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Business Golf: The Art of Building Business Relationships on the Links
Business Golf: The Art of Building Business Relationships on the Links

This step-by-step guide shows how to enhance your fortune through the cultivation of new friendships and relationships while enjoying the game you love to play. It tells you how you can properly structure a golf game so that it becomes both the ideal setting to create and promote deals, both small and large. It will teach you not only how to...

Dead Man's Folly (Agatha Christie Collection)
Dead Man's Folly (Agatha Christie Collection)

HEN I WAS NINETEEN, I was first enveloped by the feminine principle, albeit in a hidden form. As I arrived on the Delhi tarmac straight f r om Nebraska and inhaled the scent of smoke, urine and feces, rotting fruit, and incense, I knew I was home. F r om that moment on, the sway of brilliant saris, the curve of water jugs, the feel of chilis...

The Pi-Calculus: A Theory of Mobile Processes
The Pi-Calculus: A Theory of Mobile Processes

Mobile systems, whose components communicate and change their structure, now pervade the informational world and the wider world of which it is a part. The science of mobile systems is as yet immature, however. This book presents the pi-calculus, a theory of mobile systems. The pi-calculus provides a conceptual framework for understanding...

The .NET Languages: A Quick Translation Guide
The .NET Languages: A Quick Translation Guide

The .NET Languages: A Quick Translation Guide answers two questions posed by the introduction of the .NET Framework: "How do I quickly upgrade my skills to this new language?" and "How do I understand the code that another developer has written?"

Author Brian Bischof offers a complete...

Mastering Visual Basic .NET
Mastering Visual Basic .NET
VB Programmers: Get in Step with .NET

With the introduction of Visual Basic .NET, VB transcends its traditional second-class status to become a full-fledged citizen of the object-oriented programming, letting you access the full power of the Windows platform for the first time. Written bythe author of the best-selling...

Jini and Javaspaces Application Development
Jini and Javaspaces Application Development
This book is about developing Jini and JavaSpaces applications in the midst of a technology
revolution. It is about emerging technologies that are changing the way we build and think about
systems. The intent is to provide a practical approach to using and developing Jini services by
working through examples.

Although you
Microsoft Jscript.NET Programming
Microsoft Jscript.NET Programming
This book provides a comprehensive transition from JScript to the .NET Framework/platform including coverage of JScript.NET (language), ASP.NET, and Windows Forms. The book will discuss the language changes to ease the developer into working with the new syntax. and then several chapters on ASP.NET will correlate the differences between the former...
C++ by Example: UnderC Learning Edition
C++ by Example: UnderC Learning Edition
C++ by Example includes 'UnderC,' an open-source language interpreter developed by the author, which shows the result of each new programming technique instantly, allowing novices to experiment in a more dynamic learning environment. The book starts with the fundamentals of the language, including expressions, variables, functions, and...
Complete Idiot's Guide to Tantric Sex
Complete Idiot's Guide to Tantric Sex
The Complete Idiot's GuideA (R) to Tantric Sex covers every aspect of this ancient practice, from the sacred beliefs of Tantra which form the basis for Tantric loving to the process of preparing for and practicing Tantric techniques. The book is broken down into six parts, including: the secret sexual world of Tantra; preparing your mind for...
XML and SQL: Developing Web Applications
XML and SQL: Developing Web Applications

XML and SQL: Developing Web Applications is a guide for Web developers and database programmers interested in building robust XML applications backed by SQL databases. It makes it easier than ever for Web developers to create and manage scalable database applications optimized for the Internet.

The author...

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Internet
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Internet
A great resource for the inexperienced cybertraveler. Introduces you to Web multimedia, gopher, chat, and telnet and teaches you how to create your own Web page. Previous edition c1999. Softcover.

Easily accessible and fun overview of everything the Internet has to offerThe new edition weeds out some coverage of lesser used
Sams Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours (2nd Edition)
When Linux or Unix gets adopted by computing groups that already have users working with a version of the Windows platform, administrators overseeing the network integration of the two operating systems look to Samba to make a connection. Sams Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours furnishes 24 one-hour essential lessons geared toward...
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