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Programming Web Services with SOAP
Programming Web Services with SOAP
Programming Web Services with SOAP introduces you to building distributed Wb-based
applications using the SOAP, WSDL, and UDI protocols. You'll learn the XML underlying
these standards, as well as how to use the popular toolkits for Java and Perl. The book also
addresses security and other enterprise issues.

You'd be
Java Programming with Oracle JDBC
Java Programming with Oracle JDBC
Learn how to leverage JDBC, a key Java technology used to access relational data from Java programs, in an Oracle environment. Author Donald Bales begins by teaching you the mysteries of establishing database connections, and how to issue SQL queries and get results back. You'll move on to advanced topics such as streaming large objects, calling...
Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows XP Professional
Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows XP Professional
The thing about Windows XP Professional is, users love it. It has a slick interface and it behaves far more intelligently and predictably than some of its predecessors. The new system of software registration aside, Windows XP surely is the most highly acclaimed Microsoft...
Webmaster's Guide to the Wireless Internet
Webmaster's Guide to the Wireless Internet
Webmaster’s Guide to the Wireless Internet is intended to give you, the Webmaster, the skills and knowledge that you will need to add wireless Internet capability to your existing Web site, to build new wireless applications, and to help you understand the issues, both global and domestic, that exist...
Linux+ Certification Bible
Linux+ Certification Bible
The only guide you need for Linux+ exam success… You're holding in your hands the most comprehensive and effective guide available for the CompTIA Linux+ exam. Trevor Kay delivers incisive, crystal-clear explanations of every Linux+ topic, highlighting exam-critical concepts and offering hands-on tips that can help you in your real-world...
Kylix Developers Guide
Kylix Developers Guide
Delphi for Linux (Kylix) Development includes three main themes. First, the book recognized that much of its audience will be Windows developers who need to understand basic Linux development strategies, so there will be information throughout the book offering insight on how to leverage Windows development knowledge to the Linux platform. There...
eMbedded Visual Basic: Windows CE and Pocket PC Mobile Applications
eMbedded Visual Basic: Windows CE and Pocket PC Mobile Applications
This book is an in-depth exploration into eVB's inherent features, and how to use them to solve likely mobile application programming tasks. After reading the book the reader will be able to write applications tackling a wide array of business problems for Windows CE-powered devices, both customized and for PocketPC and Handheld PC products. This...
Roadmap to mySAP.com
Roadmap to mySAP.com
Learn how to put mySAP solutions to work for your company through the use of mySAP Workplace and mySAP Marketplace. Stay a step ahead of the competition by taking advantage of the information provided on the SAPMarkets' components and he CommerceOne initiative for building and deploying e-Marketplaces. Gain a comprehensive understanding of what...
C#.net Web Developer's Guide
C#.net Web Developer's Guide
This volume teaches Web developers to build solutions for the Microsoft .NET platform. Web developers will learn to use C# components to build services and applications available across the Internet.

The focus of The C#.NET Web Developer’s Guide is on providing you with code examples that will help you leverage the
Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Core API Windows 2000
Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Core API Windows 2000
The Windows programming environment. No other operating system in history has caused
so much controversy or confusion among the programming industry. Of course, no other
operating system in history has made so many millionaires either. Like it or not, Windows
is here to stay. It’s hard to ignore such a large user base, and
Developing Enterprise Java Applications with J2EE and UML
Developing Enterprise Java Applications with J2EE and UML

The Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE TM) offers great promise for dramatically improving the way that enterprise applications are built, and organizations that have adopted the J2EE are gaining a competitive advantage. The industry-standard Unified Modeling Language (UML) has helped countless organizations achieve software...

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
This fourth edition of the definitive reference to JavaScript, a scripting language that can be embedded directly in web pages, covers the latest version of the language, JavaScript 1.5, as supported by Netscape 6 and Internet Explorer 6. The book also provides complete coverage of the W3C DOM standard (Level 1 and Level 2), while retaining...
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