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Applied Java Patterns
Applied Java Patterns

A hands-on guide to design patterns for Java platform developers.

  • Pattern-based solutions for every stage of the development lifecycle
  • Documents 30 patterns, including the 23 core patterns for the Sun Certified Enterprise Architect exam
  • Describes pattern use within the Java APIs—including...
Routing and Switching: time of convergence
Routing and Switching: time of convergence

This book has been written in precise and technical language with the intention of eliminating marketing hype and other inappropriate descriptions. (Indeed the book is no light read as the topics covered are taken most seriously by myself.) The terminology used is derived from standard use (i.e. internationally approved through the...

Theoretical Aspects of Heterogeneous Catalysis (Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics)
Theoretical Aspects of Heterogeneous Catalysis (Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics)
Heterogeneous catalysis is a fascinating and complex subject of utmost importance in the present day. Its immense technological and economical importance and the inherent complexity of the catalytic phenomena have stimulated theoretical and experimental studies by a broad spectrum of scientists, including chemists, physicists, chemical...
Principles of Asynchronous Circuit Design: A Systems Perspective
Principles of Asynchronous Circuit Design: A Systems Perspective

Principles of Asynchronous Circuit Design - A Systems Perspective addresses the need for an introductory text on asynchronous circuit design. Part I is an 8-chapter tutorial which addresses the most important issues for the beginner, including how to think about asynchronous systems. Part II is a 4-chapter introduction to Balsa, a...

Visual Basic to Vb.Net
Visual Basic to Vb.Net

This book is meant to give you a head start on the changes from Visual Basic to Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET). Most of the book assumes that you are comfortable with Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6), so the book endeavors to be a quick introduction to the major differences between VB6 and the new VB.NET.

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