 Real Analysis and Probability (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)
This classic textbook, now reissued, offers a clear exposition of modern probability theory and of the interplay between the properties of metric spaces and probability measures. The new edition has been made even more self-contained than before; it now includes a foundation of the real number system and the Stone-Weierstrass theorem on... |  |  The 5 Keys to Value Investing
The investing style that made Warren Buffett the world's wealthiest investor!
Strategies for Identifying Today's Best-Run Corporations--Then Buying Them for Pennies on the Dollar
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In recent years, new paradigms have emerged to replace-or augment-the traditional, mathematically based approaches to optimization. The most powerful of these are genetic algorithms (GA), inspired by natural selection, and genetic programming, an extension of GAs based on the optimization of symbolic codes.
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 RF Photonic Technology in Optical Fiber LinksRF photonic components, transmission systems, and signal processing examples in optical fibers are reviewed by leading academic, government, and industry scientists working in this field. This volume introduces various related technologies such as direct modulation of laser sources, external modulation techniques, and detectors. The text is aimed... |  |  Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out, Deluxe EditionThis DELUXE EDITION reference digs even deeper into Windows XP, including all-new coverage of Service Pack 1, plus a wealth of new resources on CD-ROM. Now you get even more timesaving solutions, tips, and tools—all in concise, fast-answers format!
Think you know Microsoft Windows inside out? Think again.
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