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Dictionary of Applied Math for Engineers and Scientists (Comprehensive Dictionary of Mathematics)
Dictionary of Applied Math for Engineers and Scientists (Comprehensive Dictionary of Mathematics)
Clear, concise definitions of mathematical terms are not easy to locate, and despite the seemingly close connections between math and other scientific and engineering fields, practical explanations comprehensible to those who are not primarily mathematicians are even more difficult to find. The Dictionary of Applied Mathematics for Engineers and...
Packet Broadband Network Handbook
Packet Broadband Network Handbook

One thing at least is certain about tomorrow's global communications: broadband networks will be packetized. But how exactly will we get there from here? Before all the i's get dotted and t's crossed, leaders in telecom and networking have to make some hard choices. This is the book that can...

Dreamweaver X in No Time
Dreamweaver X in No Time
Dreamweaver MX In No Time is designed as a guide to web developers at all levels of experience. For the novice the guide walks you through the program from the simplest steps of setting up a page, through to pulling in dynamic content for that page from a database. There is a clear explanation of HTML and how it works and a description of other web...
Verification of Computer Codes in Computational Science and Engineering
Verification of Computer Codes in Computational Science and Engineering
How can one be assured that computer codes that solve differential equations are correct? Standard practice using benchmark testing no longer provides full coverage because today's production codes solve more complex equations using more powerful algorithms. By verifying the order-of-accuracy of the numerical algorithm implemented in the code, one...
Electrical Engineer's Reference Book, Sixteenth Edition
Electrical Engineer's Reference Book, Sixteenth Edition

For ease of use, this edition has been divided into the following subject sections: general principles; materials and processes; control, power electronics and drives; environment; power generation; transmission and distribution; power systems; sectors of electricity use.

New chapters and major revisions include: industrial

How Electronic Things Work... And What to do When They Don't
How Electronic Things Work... And What to do When They Don't

Electronic equipment 'on the blink'? Don't junk it or pay sky-high repair costs - fix it yourself! Here's a guide to understanding and repairing electronics equipment written for people who would ordinarily 'call the shop'. With this fully illustrated, simple-to-use guide, you will get a grasp of the workings of the...

English Brainstormers!: Ready-to-Use Games & Activities That Make Language Skills Fun to Learn
English Brainstormers!: Ready-to-Use Games & Activities That Make Language Skills Fun to Learn
Standards,” “Learning Assessments,” “Academic Intervention Services,” and “Competency
Evaluation.” Yes, the new standards are probably necessary for some students for a number
of reasons. Yes, students who are not performing up to a specific standard should be given
remediation. Few would
Process Quality Assurance for UML-Based Projects
Process Quality Assurance for UML-Based Projects

Software quality, by its very nature, is elusive. Add to that the issue of ever-changing user requirements and the vagaries of software project management and "quality" can easily become a mere word on a distant horizon. This highly acclaimed book demonstrates how the Unified Modeling Language (UML) can be used within a process...

International Project Management
International Project Management
International Project Management provides specific guidelines for achieving greater project success. It is the result of 15 years of work on international projects by the authors across various project areas and industries. The authors address a need for modern techniques in project management geared and suited to international...
IP Addressing Fundamentals
IP Addressing Fundamentals

The reader-friendly explanation of how the IP address space works and how it is used

* A reader-friendly introduction to the complex and confusing topic of IP addressing
* Thorough and understandable explanations of the binary mathematics behind IP addressing
* Complete coverage of the IPv4 address space without distractions of

The CISSP Prep Guide: Gold Edition
The CISSP Prep Guide: Gold Edition
An arsenal of inside information on CISSP and how to master the certification test!

More and more frequently, corporations are requiring that their employees provide professional certifications to prove that they possess the core competencies to do their technical jobs. The Certified Information Systems Security Professional examination (CISSP)...

Guide to Enterprise IT Architecture
Guide to Enterprise IT Architecture
IT architecture is a critical tool that defines the components or building blocks that comprise an organization¿s overall information system. This guide provides a comprehensive and practical introduction and reference for the IT architecture design of an enterprise organization¿s information system. Covering the full spectrum of IT...
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