 Dynamic Web Forms Professional ProjectsUse Dynamic Web Forms to accomplish real-world, professional tasks. Incoporating three hands-on projects, Dynamic Web Forms Professional Projects is your key to unlocking the power of Dynamic Web Forms. Each project focuses on a specific concept and is based on a real-world situation. You will be able to use the skills that you develop throughout... |  |  J2EE Professional ProjectsUse Java 2 Enterprise Edition to accomplish real-world, professional tasks. Incorporating three hands-on projects, J2EE Professional Projects is your key to unlocking the power of J2EE. Each project focuses on a specific concept and is based on a real-world situation. Using the projects as your guide, you will create a chat application, create an... |  |  Microsoft .NET Framework Professional ProjectsUse .NET Framework to accomplish real-world, professional tasks. .NET Framework Professional Projects is your key to unlocking the power of .NET Framework. Each project focuses on a specific concept and is based on a real-world situation. Enhance your skills as you work through eleven projects including creating XML schemas, creating a Web service... |
 Environmental Foresight and Models: A Manifesto
Policy-makers and the public, it has famously been said, are more interested in the possibility of non-linear dislocations and surprises in the behaviour of the environment than in smooth extrapolations of current trends. The International Task Force in Forecasting Environmental Change (1993-1998) dedicated its work to developing procedures... |  |  Modern Control Design With MATLAB and SIMULINK
The motivation for writing this book can be ascribed chiefly to the usual struggle of
an average reader to understand and utilize controls concepts, without getting lost in
the mathematics. Many textbooks are available on modern control, which do a fine
job of presenting the control theory. ... |  |  |
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