 Web Metrics: Proven Methods for Measuring Web Site SuccessThere now exists a wealth of tools and techniques that can determine if and how a Web site is providing business value to its owners. This book is a survey of those metrics and is as important to IT executives as it is to marketing professionals.
- Jim Sterne is recognized worldwide as a leading Internet business expert and is the
... |  |  Visual C#: .Net Developer's Handbook with CDROMVisual C# .NET Developer's Handbook offers advanced, practical, and comprehensive coverage of major development issues for the hottest new programming language. Well-known programming author John Mueller starts out with expert advice for building complex desktop applications and moves on to major enterprise topics, such as working with Acive... |  |  Java 2 Web Developer Certification Study Guide with CD-ROMThe Sun Certified Web Component Developer exam is expected to gain quickly in popularity because of the strong impact of Java 2 Enterprise Edition in the marketplace. This Study Guide, aimed at experienced Java programmers, covers all enterprise-level topics comprising the objectives for the exam, including servlets, exception handling, session... |
 Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics: Modeling, Rendering and AnimationEven as developments in photorealistic computer graphics continue to affect our work and leisure activities, practitioners and researchers are devoting more and more attention to non-photorealistic (NPR) techniques for generating images that appear to have been created by hand. These efforts benefit every field in which illustrationsthanks to... |  |  Dreamweaver MX / Fireworks MX Savvy with CDROM"This [Dreamweaver MX/Fireworks MX Savvy] is the second book in the new Savvy series from Sybex that I have reviewed, and I must say that the Savvy series has impressed me mightily so far." --Computer Arts Magazine UK, October 2002, www.computerarts.co.uk Savvy--n. Practical know-how. ... |  |  MicroC OS II: The Real Time Kernel (With CD-ROM)MicroC/OS II Second Edition describes the design and implementation of the MicroC/OS-II real-time operating system (RTOS). In addition to its value as a reference to the kernel, it is an extremely detailed and highly readable design study particularly useful to the embedded systems student. While documenting the design and implementation of the... |
 Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE PlatformSINCE its introduction more than two years ago, the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), has rapidly established a new model for developing distributed applications. This model is based on well-defined components that can automatically take advantage of sophisticated platform services. These components can be developed according to standard... |  |  Fiber-Optic Communication SystemsSince the publication of the first edition of this book in 1992, the state of the art of fiber-optic communication systems has advanced dramatically despite the relatively short period of only 10 years between the first and third editions. For example, the highest capacity of commercial fiber-optic links available in 1992 was only 2.5 Gb/s. A mere... |  |  Elements of Photonics Volume 2Provides a particularly good discussion of the electromagnetics of light in bounded media (i.e., fibers).
* The only book that treats the two complementary topics, fiber and integrated optics. * A careful and thorough presentation of the topics that make it well suited for self-study. * Includes numerous figures,... |
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