 The Architecture of the Visible (Technologies: Studies in Culture & Theory Series)Soon after the launch of the first Sputnik in 1957, Hannah Arendt observed in The Human Condition that for the first time 'an earth-born object made by m a n . . . moved in the proximity of the heavenly bodies as though it had been admitted tentatively to their sublime company', an event which she described as 'second in importance to no other, not... |  |  2600: The Hacker Quarterly, Summer 20022600: The Hacker Quarterly, Summer 2002:
2600: The Hacker Quarterly is a quarterly American publication that specializes in publishing technical information on a variety of subjects including telephone switching systems, Internet protocols and services, as well as... |  |  |
 The Discovery of the Germ (Revolutions in science)Words, like coins, are subject to devaluations and debasement. Big words, like revolution, are particularly vulnerable. Because of its proper coupling with adjectives such as American, French or Industrial, the term ‘revolution’ has been exploited by a myriad writers seeking to hype up some comparatively minor change in, say, the... |  |  |  |  Immunology and Evolution of Infectious Disease
From HIV to influenza, the battle between infectious agents and the immune system is at the heart of disease. Knowledge of how and why parasites vary to escape recognition by the immune system is central to vaccine design, the control of epidemics, and our fundamental understanding of parasite ecology and evolution. As the first comprehensive... |
 Rudolph's Pediatrics
The 21st edition of Rudolph's Pediatrics continues a tradition of evolving and adapting to changes in pediatric medicine. Originally published in 1897 as Diseases of Infancy and Childhood, ... |  |  The Inquisitive Problem Solver (MAA Problem Book Series)
The Inquisitive Problem Solver is a collection of mathematical miniatures composed to stimulate and entertain. On a deeper level, these little puzzles, accessible to a general audience, provide a setting rich in mathematical themes. One of the larger purposes of the book is to show how everyday situations can lead an inquisitive problem... |  |  |
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