 Perl for Oracle DBAsPerl is a very powerful tool for Oracle database administrators, but too few DBAs realize how helpful Perl can be in managing, monitoring, and tuning Oracle9i, Oracle8i, and earlier databases. You don't need to be a Perl expert to reap the rewards of reading Perl for Oracle DBAs. The book explains what you need to know about Perl, profiles... |  |  JavaServer Pages, Second EditionFilled with useful examples and the depth, clarity, and attention to detail that made the first edition so popular with web developers, JavaServer Pages, 2nd Edition is completely revised and updated to cover the substantial changes in the 1.2 version of the JSP specifications, and includes coverage of the new JSTL Tag libraries-an... |  |  Windows .NET Server 2003 Domains & Active DirectoryThis reference covers all main system tools and program methods used for routine Active Directory administration and troubleshooting.
Intended for system administrators with a general knowledge of Windows 2000 or Windows XP/.NET, this reference covers all main system tools and program methods used for routine Active Directory... |
 Java NIOJava NIO explores the new I/O capabilities of version 1.4 in detail and shows you how to put these features to work to greatly improve the efficiency of the Java code you write. This compact volume examines the typical challenges that Java programmers face with I/O and shows you how to take advantage of the capabilities of the new I/O features.... |  |  Fireworks MX Bible"Joseph Lowery and Derren Whiteman provide details and examples essential for the Web graphics professional." —David Morris, Fireworks Product Manager, Macromedia
- Create traffic-stopping vector or bitmap Web graphics and animations
- Build eye-catching effects using layers, rollovers, frames, and
... |  |  |
 Engineering and Technology Management Tools and ApplicationsToday engineering and technology have become important factors in global competitiveness. Under a fierce competitive environment, engineering and technology managers are forced to achieve marketable results by focusing on areas such as speed, quality, and cost. This can only be achieved through effective planning, organization,... |  |  Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Fast & Easy Web DevelopmentWhile the Web was still in its infancy, the technologies used to deliver it were always changing. I remember a time when I had to hand-code every page in a Web site. At that time, a Web site was just a couple of static pages. Still, dealing with raw HTML tags was not very pleasant. A few WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) ... |  |  |
 VB.NET: A Laboratory CourseVB.NET: A Laboratory Course teaches the reader how to program in Visual Basic from an object-oriented viewpoint, which is important becuase of the object-oriented flavor of VB.NET. The emphasis of this book is not on the fancy users interface tricks you can perform with VB.NET, but on the fundamentals of writing correct and efficient VB programs.... |  |  The Tomes of Delphi : Basic 32-BitDeveloper's Guide to Delphi Communications is another addition to the highly successful Delphi series from Wordware. This is the only title on the market that provides a comprehensive overview to the communications capability of Delphi relative to the major communications protocols, such as TCP/IP, MAPI, SMTP, and HTTP.
Reliable... |  |  Modelling with AutoCAD 2002New features in AutoCAD 2002 are covered in this book, making it a useful refresher course for anyone using AutoCAD at this level, and those upgrading to the new software release. The course is also designed to be fully relevant to anyone using other recent releases, including AutoCAD 2000.
*A self-paced learning experience introducing... |
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