 Math Word Problems Demystified
Word problems are the most difficult part of any math course –- and the most important to both the SATs and other standardized tests. This book teaches proven methods for analyzing and solving any type of math word problem.
In every area of mathematics, you will encounter ‘‘word’’ problems. Some ... |  |  Constraint Databases and Applications: First International Symposium, CDB 2004, Paris, France, June 12-13, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
The ?rst International Symposium on the Applications of Constraint Databases (CDB2004) took place in Paris, France, on June 12–13, 2004, just before the ACM SIGMOD and PODS conferences. Since the publication of the paper “Constraint Query Languages” by Kan- lakis, Kuper and Revesz in 1990, the last decade has seen a growing... |  |  Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and Matlab®
Modern computing tools like MAPLE (a symbolic computation package)
and MATLAB® ( a numeric and symbolic computation and visualization
program) make it possible to use the techniques of scientific
computing to solve realistic nontrivial problems in a classroom
setting. These problems have been traditionally ... |
 Oracle Insights: Tales of the Oak Table
OvER THE PAST fifteen years I have worked for Oracle Corporation, and with many
customers who were keen to find the limitations of the (then) current Oracle database
on the latest and greatest hardware platforms of the day.
These customers have demanded ever increasing database performance at
what seems a... |  |  1: Cartilage and Osteoarthritis (Methods in Molecular Medicine)
Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common form of arthritis, is generally characterized by a slowly progressive degeneration of articular cartilage, particularly in the weight-bearing joints. It has a stronger prevalence in women, and its incidence increases with age. OA is a major and growing health concern in developed countries, owing to... |  |  Open Source Security Tools: Practical Guide to Security Applications, A
Few frontline system administrators can afford to spend all day worrying about security. But in this age of widespread virus infections, worms, and digital attacks, no one can afford to neglect network defenses.
Written with the harried IT manager in mind, Open Source Security Tools is a practical,... |
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