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DB2(R) for z/OS(R) Version 8 DBA Certification Guide (IBM Press Series-Information Management)
DB2(R) for z/OS(R) Version 8 DBA Certification Guide (IBM Press Series-Information Management)

 IBM DB2 Universal Database Version 8 for z/OS offers enterprises unprecedented opportunities to integrate information, deliver it on demand, and manage it simply and cost-effectively. Now, one of the world's leading DB2 consultants presents the definitive guide to administering DB2 UDB V8 databases in z/OS environments. DB2 for...

Network Control and Engineering for QOS, Security and Mobility, III
Network Control and Engineering for QOS, Security and Mobility, III
This volume contains the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Network Control and Engineering for Quality of Service, Security and Mobility (Net-Con’2004), celebrated in Palma de Mallorca (Illes Balears, Spain) during November 2-5, 2004. This IFIP TC6 Conference was organized by the Universitat de les Illes Balears and...
Handbook of Data Structures and Applications
Handbook of Data Structures and Applications

Handbook of Data Structures and Applications responds to the needs of data structure and algorithm researchers by providing a comprehensive survey of data structures of various types. Divided into seven parts, the text begins with a review of introductory material, followed by a discussion of well-know classes of data structures, Priority...

Production Rendering
Production Rendering

In the past, rendering systems used a range of different approaches, each compatible and able to handle certain kinds of images. However, the last few years have seen the development of practical techniques, which bring together many areas of research into stable, production ready rendering tools. Written by experienced graphics software...

Applied Linguistics and Language Teacher Education (Educational Linguistics)
Applied Linguistics and Language Teacher Education (Educational Linguistics)
Applied Linguistics and Language Teacher Education is aimed at applied linguists who are interested in understanding more about the learning of novice teachers in their classes. The 21 studies in this volume provide information on the complexity of novice teachers’ learning and use of knowledge in a variety of applied...
101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens: Using Metaphors in Therapy
101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens: Using Metaphors in Therapy
Stories can play an important and potent role in therapy with children and adolescents--helping them develop the skills to cope with and survive a myriad of life situations. In many cases, stories provide the most effective means of communicating what kids and teens might not want to discuss directly.

101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens...

Dictionary of Computing
Dictionary of Computing
This dictionary provides the user with a comprehensive range of the vocabulary used in the field of computing. It covers all aspects of computing, including hardware, software, peripherals, networks and programming, as well as many applications in which computers are used, such as the Internet or desktop publishing. It also describes the latest...
FrontPage 2003 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
FrontPage 2003 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Tips also work for FrontPage 2002 and 2000

Your one-stop guide to creating great-looking Web sites with FrontPage 2003

Ready to put the fun back into Web development and create a fantastic site? From building basic HTML pages to complex pages with Cascading Style Sheets, this one-stop guide to FrontPage 2003 covers it...

Instabilities, Chaos And Turbulence: An Introduction To Nonlinear Dynamics And Complex Systems
Instabilities, Chaos And Turbulence: An Introduction To Nonlinear Dynamics And Complex Systems
"This book is an excellent addition to the literature on how dynamics may be used to understand and model more complex phenomena such as fluid flow, or pattern formation, written by a leading expert in the field who has contributed to a lot of the original results. It is an ideal choice for scientists, engineers or mathematicians who wish to...
Suffering Insanity: Psychoanalytic Essays on Psychosis
Suffering Insanity: Psychoanalytic Essays on Psychosis
This book raises very important issues for further reflection by all those working in the field of psychosis. Under supervision, the essays act as excellent, stimulating texts for use in teaching situations. The book is warmly recommended to the readership of this journal. -
Richard Lucas, British Journal of
Creating Web Sites Bible, Second Edition
Creating Web Sites Bible, Second Edition
Everything you need to build a great Web site ...

Whether you want to start an online store, establish a Web presence for a brick-and-mortar business, or just

show off your family album, this book shows you how. Even if you're fairly new to the Web world, you'll soon learn both the aesthetic and technical aspects of Web design....

Stock Trader's Almanac 2005
Stock Trader's Almanac 2005
J.P. Morgan's classic retort "Stocks will fluctuate" is often quoted with a wink-of-the-eye implication that the only predication one can make about the stock market is that it will go up, down, or sideways. Many investors agree that no one ever really knows which way the market will move.  Nothing could be farther from the truth. We...
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