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Double-Digit Growth: How Great Companies Achieve It--No Matter What
Double-Digit Growth: How Great Companies Achieve It--No Matter What

In their 1995 blockbuster The Discipline of Market Leaders, Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema explained how great companies dominated their markets by offering superior value propositions. Now Treacy is back with an equally groundbreaking book—revealing how great companies master growth each year and how all...

Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 (Penguin Books)
Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001 (Penguin Books)
Winner of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize

The explosive first-hand account of America's secret history in Afghanistan

With the publication of Ghost Wars, Steve Coll became not only a Pulitzer Prize winner, but also the expert on the rise of the Taliban, the emergence of Bin Laden, and the secret
Amyloid Proteins (Methods in Molecular Biology)
Amyloid Proteins (Methods in Molecular Biology)

A proven collection of readily reproducible techniques for studying amyloid proteins and their involvement in the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy of amyloid diseases. The contributors provide methods for the preparation of amyloid and its precursors (oligomers and protofibrils), in vitro assays and analytical techniques for...

Google Hacks : Tips & Tools for Smarter Searching, Second Edition
Google Hacks : Tips & Tools for Smarter Searching, Second Edition

When the first edition of Google Hacks appeared, we were frankly a bit surprised that there was enough hacking going on to make up a whole book. No longer. People continue to discover more ways than we ever imagined to tweak, tone, and otherwise futz around...

Executive Coaching : A Guide for the HR Professional
Executive Coaching : A Guide for the HR Professional
The purpose of this book is to help human resource professionals
and their clients become more savvy consumers of coaching services.
With the wide array of coaching services now available in the
marketplace, HR professionals need information to allow them to
sort through options, ask discerning questions, and understand what...
eBay Photos That Sell: Taking Great Product Shots for eBay and Beyond
eBay Photos That Sell: Taking Great Product Shots for eBay and Beyond
"I've been an admirer of Dan Gookin since he wrote DOS For Dummies and spawned the For Dummies phenomenon. He takes things to a new level with this amazing and much needed book on practical product photography. Use his advice and you'll simply make more money. Highly recommended."
—John C.
MATLAB Primer, Seventh Edition
MATLAB Primer, Seventh Edition

The latest edition in this best-selling series, MATLABВ® Primer, Seventh Edition incorporates a number of enhancements such as changes to the desktop, new features for developing M-files, the JIT accelerator, and an easier way of importing Java classes. In addition to the features new to version 7.0, this book includes a new section on...

Beyond the Market: Designing Nonmarket Accounts for the United States
Beyond the Market: Designing Nonmarket Accounts for the United States
One of the long-standing goals of the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) is the improvement of economic measurement and the data sources crucial to that measurement. In working toward that goal, recent CNSTAT panels have produced reports on price and cost-of-living indexes, poverty measurement, measurement of the economy’s government...
Server Architectures: Multiprocessors, Clusters, Parallel Systems, Web Servers, Storage Solutions
Server Architectures: Multiprocessors, Clusters, Parallel Systems, Web Servers, Storage Solutions

I believe it was the 1992 season while doing a Saturday College Football ESPN scoreboard show when Tim Brando decided to nickname me the “Pony. ” Brando ’ s one of the more talented announcers I ’ ve ever worked with. He ’ s full of bull most of the time, but he loves college football — and that passion comes...

Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics 2 vol. set
Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics 2 vol. set

Updating researchers on phenomenal progress in the field of molecular medicine the Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics offers trail-blazing studies and authoritative contributions from more than 400 specialists. An important and timely contribution to the biomedical community, the encyclopedia compiles...

Aspect-Oriented Software Development with Use Cases
Aspect-Oriented Software Development with Use Cases

Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a revolutionary new way to think about software engineering. AOP was introduced to address crosscutting concerns such as security, logging, persistence, debugging, tracing, distribution, performance monitoring, and exception handling in a more effective manner. Unlike conventional development...

Coaching For Change: Practical Strategies For Transforming Performance
Coaching For Change: Practical Strategies For Transforming Performance
An essential tool for anyone who wants to transform performance through the development of a coaching environment, this book looks at how to create, develop and manage change whether in one-to-one situations, team based or within organizations.

Placing coaching right at the heart of the broader Human Resources (HR) and training arena,...

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