 Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional
WELCOME TO BeginningASRNET 1.1 E-Commerce!The explosive growth ofretail over
the Internet is encouraging more small- to medium-sized businesses to consider the
benefits of setting up e-commerce web sites. While there are great and obvious
advantages to trading online, there are also many hidden pitfalls that may be
encountered... |  |  The IMS : IP Multimedia Concepts and Services in the Mobile DomainWe have telephony to talk to each other, messaging to dispatch mail or instant messages, browsing to read published content and search engines to locate content sites. However, current mobile networks do not provide the possibility for one application rich terminal to communicate with another in a peer-to-peer session beyond voice calls. Mobile... |  |  Mathematics for Game Developers (Game Development)Math is a fundamental part of any game developer’s programming arsenal.Without a strong understanding of math, you can easily waste days solving a problem in a game that, in reality, is as simple as 1-2-3. If you’re considering programming a game that is even slightly complicated, you must realize that it is crucial ... |
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