 Developer to Designer: GUI Design for the Busy DeveloperIn a fantasy world, you design and build the core of your application, the parts that do all the heavy lifting. And the graphical user interface? Well, that’s the domain of the hot-shot sitting one cube over, who went to school to learn how to give users sensible and effective control over the functionality you construct. ... |  |  Integrated HTML and CSS: A Smarter, Faster Way to LearnAlmost all web designers use Cascading Style Sheets to control the presentation of the websites they construct out of HTML. Why learn one and then the other when you can just as easily—and much more effectively—learn both at the same time? This book's integrated approach speeds your progress and leaves you with a... |  |  Red Hat Fedora Linux 3 BibleIf Fedora Linux 3 can do it, you can do it too ...
Fedora Core 3 is Red Hat's most solid Fedora to date, including features destined for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4. Use Fedora Core 3, with the latest Linux technology, to set up a personal desktop, small business server, or programming workstation. This book will teach you the basics of using... |
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