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Case Studies In Knowledge Management
Case Studies In Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management (KM) has been growing in importance and popularity
as a research topic since the mid 1990s. This is sufficient time for many organizations
to implement KM initiatives and KM systems (KMS). This book presents twenty cases
investigating the implementation of KM in a number of business and industry settings
Write Portable Code: An Introduction to Developing Software for Multiple Platforms
Write Portable Code: An Introduction to Developing Software for Multiple Platforms
Tech Republic, August 4, 2005
This sample chapter examines the issues you'll run into when moving code between processor architectures.

GBGames’ Blog, July 21, 2005
Within the first few chapters, I’ve already learned about a new tool.

Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds
Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds

Like virtual reality, augmented reality is becoming an emerging platform in new application areas for museums, edutainment, home entertainment, research, industry, and the art communities using novel approaches which have taken augmented reality beyond traditional eye-worn or hand-held displays.

In this book, the authors discuss spatial...

Wind and Solar Power Systems: Design, Analysis, and Operation, Second Edition
Wind and Solar Power Systems: Design, Analysis, and Operation, Second Edition
- K.G. Craig, Journal of Environmental Quality, 2006

Throughout the text, it is abundantly clear the author is a knowledgeable engineer with considerable experience in the diverse sciences and technologies that provide the foundations of wind and photovoltaic power generation. It is also obvious that he is an experienced teacher, because
The Artful Universe Expanded
The Artful Universe Expanded
Our love of art, writes John Barrow, is the end product of millions of years of evolution. How we react to a beautiful painting or symphony draws upon instincts laid down long before humans existed. Now, in this enhanced edition of the highly popular The Artful Universe, Barrow further explores the close ties between our aesthetic appreciation and...
The Microwave Processing of Foods (Woodhead Publishing in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)
The Microwave Processing of Foods (Woodhead Publishing in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)

With its advantages over conventional thermal processing such as more rapid heating and preservation of sensory and nutritional quality, microwave processing has proved a versatile technology. From an international team of contributors, The Microwave Processing of Foods reviews the wealth of recent research on how this technology...

Next Generation Geospatial Information: From Digital Image Analysis to Spatiotemporal Databases (ISPRS Book Series)
Next Generation Geospatial Information: From Digital Image Analysis to Spatiotemporal Databases (ISPRS Book Series)

With the turn of the century our ability to collect and store geospatial information has increased considerably. This has resulted in ever-increasing amounts of heterogeneous geospatial data, an issue that poses new challenges and opportunities. As these rich sources of data are made available, users rely, now more than ever, on the...

Understanding Sleep and Dreaming (Springerlink Behavioral Science)
Understanding Sleep and Dreaming (Springerlink Behavioral Science)
As I am writing this, I am anticipating the 50th anniversary o f tlie discovery o f RELMS. For it was in 1951 that Aserinsky and Kleitman, who, while electronically recording a person's sleep in a University o f Chicago lab, were surprised to notice that eye movements occurred periodically even when their s~tbjectw as, by all...
Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention
Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention

An authoritative work that provides a detailed review of the current status of practice and research in cancer prevention and control – an essential reference guide and tool for primary care physicians, the research community and students.

Written as a collaborative work by the faculty of the nationally-renowned Cancer...

Adobe InDesign CS2 Classroom in a Book
Adobe InDesign CS2 Classroom in a Book
With its ever-tightening integration with Adobe's full suite of creative products and its own increasingly sophisticated feature set, InDesign is winning legions of Quark and FrameMaker converts. If you're among themor if you've decided to sidestep those programs altogetheryou need this book. In these pages, the Adobe Creative Team uses a series of...
Multimedia Content and the Semantic Web: Standards, Methods and Tools
Multimedia Content and the Semantic Web: Standards, Methods and Tools
The emerging idea of the semantic web is based on the maximum automation of the complete knowledge lifecycle processes: knowledge representation, acquisition, adaptation, reasoning, sharing and use.

Text-based based browsers involve a costly information-retrieval process: descriptions are inherently subjective and usage is often confined to...

Computer-Aided Intelligent Recognition Techniques and Applications
Computer-Aided Intelligent Recognition Techniques and Applications
Intelligent recognition methods have recently proven to be indispensable in a variety of modern industries, including computer vision, robotics, medical imaging, visualization and the media. Furthermore, they play a critical role in the traditional fields such as character recognition, natural language processing and personal identification.


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