 Understanding DB2® Learning Visually with ExamplesIBM DB2 Universal Database™ V8.2 for Linux®, UNIX®, and Windows® is a flexible, scalable, cost-effective, and easy-to-use enterprise database. Now, one book makes DB2 even easier. Understanding DB2 teaches DB2 V8.2 visually, step by step, with... |  |  3DS Max LightingThis book is separated into three main parts: Part I, “Lighting Theory,” Part II, “3ds max Lighting Tools,” and Part III, “Creating Lighting.” Part I covers the fundamentals of what light is, how it acts and reacts in our world, and what those reactions look like. Part II covers the virtual... |  |  Nonprofit Essentials: The Capital CampaignA thorough and practical overview of the process of planning and managing a capital campaign "I have not come across a better book on the overall strategy and techniques necessary for the planning and implementation of a capital campaign. Ms. Walker covers all of the bases in a clear and concise manner that will benefit many... |
 Publishing a Blog with Blogger : Visual QuickProject GuideWriting in a journal is all well and good, but when you're ready to share your musings with the world (and you think the world is ready to receive them!), a blog is the way to go. As the latest phenomenon to grow out of the Web, the blog (or Web log) is a diary... |  |  Creating a Database in FileMaker Pro : Visual QuickProject GuideThe problem: Your boss has demanded a database, and you don't know how to create one. It doesn't matter that it's just a simple one (for tracking invoices, inventory, and contacts), or that flexible, powerful software (FileMaker Pro) has already been purchased. If you've never created a database before, the task can be daunting. The solution: This... |  |  Focal Easy Guide to DVD Studio Pro 3: For new users and professionalsSince the beginning of time, men and women have worked to reproduce and record their surrounding environment. From cave paintings to stone carvings, papyrus, wood, paper, canvas, wax, and chemicals… every substance imaginable has been used for both artistic expression and the documentation of history and culture. Regardless of whether one... |
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