This book/lecture is intended for a college freshman level class in problem solving, where the particular problems deal with electrical and electronic circuits. It can also be used in a junior/senior level class in high school to teach circuit analysis. The basic problem-solving paradigm used in this book is that of resolution of a problem...
There has been an explosion of both the incidence and medical knowledge of viral hepatitis over the last two decades. Not only is the incidence of infection and disease increasing, but new hepatitis viruses have been discovered, as well as the launch of new pharmaceutical products.
Scott Kelby and Felix Nelson (the creative team behind Photoshop User magazine) take their best-selling Photoshop Killer Tips books to a whole new level with their update for Photoshop CS2.
Core C# and .NET is the no-nonsense, example-rich guide to achieving exceptional results with C# 2.0 and .NET 2.0. Writing for experienced programmers, Stephen Perry presents today's best practices for leveraging both C# 2.0 language features and Microsoft's .NET 2.0 infrastructure.
This isn't a digital camera book. It's a book about digital photography: how to take great pictures and make great images using imaging technology, while taking into account the special needs of digital cameras. Whether you're a snap-shooting tyro, or an experienced photographer moving into the...
Nurse your PC back to health with a little help from Leo Laporte. Leo Laporte's PC Help Desk in a Book uses a unique, medical dictionary approach, complete with symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for all of your common and not-so-common PC maladies. Flow-charts will help you correctly diagnose and...
Choose the right graphics, include links and feedback forms, and add "wow"
You too can develop cool Web sites with Yahoo! SiteBuilder and this handy, easy-to-follow guide! All the basics of good site design are here, plus step-by-step directions for creating your site with text,...
I gravitated into the process world several years ago after performing almost all roles in the software engineering environment — both as a programmer and in various management positions. That environment covered both the commercial software development world and the government contracting software development world. I...
Biometric user authentication techniques have evoked an enormous interest by science, industry and society in the recent past. Scientists and developers have constantly pursued the technology for automated determination or confirmation of the identity of subjects based on measurements of physiological or behavioral traits of humans. Many biometric...
Database systems and database design technology have undergone significant evolution in recent years. The relational data model and relational database systems dominate business applications; in turn, they are extended by other technologies like data warehousing, OLAP, and data mining. How do you model and design your database application in...
Most books about UML describe it almost in its entirety. Inevitably you're left with only a superficial knowledge of the range of UML elements, without a deep and intuitive understanding of how to apply UML as a whole to real world design problems. This book doesn't set out to cover all of UML, but instead pulls together those parts of UML with...
As businesses attempt to maximize every employee hour, knowledge management and collaboration tools like SharePoint 2003 have become more popular. Now businesses turn their attention to maximize this tool. Microsoft SharePoint 2003 Unleashed, Second Edition can show you how to do this. Revised...