 Biomimetics: Biologically Inspired TechnologiesImagine a smart microchip that is buried in the ground for a long time. Upon certain triggering conditions this chip begins to grow and consume materials from its surroundings, converting them into energy and structural cells. As the chip grows further, it reconfigures its shape to become a mobile robot. Using its recently created mobility, the... |  |  Advances in Web-based Education: Personalized Learning EnvironmentsAdvances in technology are increasingly impacting the way in which curriculum is delivered and assessed. The emergence of the Internet has offered learners a new instructional delivery system that connects them with educational resources. Advances in Web-Based Education: Personalized Learning Environments covers a wide range of factors that... |  |  SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Second EditionBased upon the authors' experience designing power electronics courses, SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Second Edition integrates a SPICE simulator with a power electronics course at a junior or senior level. This textbook assumes no prior knowledge of SPICE and introduces the applications of various SPICE commands through numerous... |
 Fundamentals of Applied Probability and Random Processes"Each chapter is broken down into small subunits, making this a useful reference book as well as a textbook. The material is presented clearly, and solved problems are included in the text." --MAA Reviews
Provides aspiring engineers with a solid introduction to probability theory and stochastic processes
... |  |  |  |  Earthquake Engineering for Structural DesignAny structural engineer who must cope with seismic design will find this book a valuable resource. …The book is well written and each chapter contains an extensive list of references. The book would be appropriate as a resource in graduate-level structural design courses and for practicing structural engineers. -CHOICE, Vol. 43 No. 10,... |
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