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Create Your Dream Garden: Tips and Techniques to Make Your Garden Bloom (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Create Your Dream Garden: Tips and Techniques to Make Your Garden Bloom (52 Brilliant Ideas)

Each chapter of this book is designed to provide you with an inspirational idea that you can read quickly and put into practice straight away.

"Don't worry. This isn't a garden makeover book that'll convince you to put decking over every plant you see nor will it teach you how to spot your Symphoricarpos albus from...

Epidemiology of Pediatric Sports Injuries: Individual Sports (Medicine and Sport Science, Vol. 48)
Epidemiology of Pediatric Sports Injuries: Individual Sports (Medicine and Sport Science, Vol. 48)

Epidemiology of Pediatric Sport Injuries reviews integratively the existing data on distribution and determinants of injury rates in a variety of sports, and suggests injury prevention measures and guidelines for further research. This volume focuses on individual sports, as the next volume will discuss team sports. Together the two volumes...

C++ Common Knowledge: Essential Intermediate Programming
C++ Common Knowledge: Essential Intermediate Programming

What Every Professional C++ Programmer Needs to Know—Pared to Its Essentials So It Can Be Efficiently and Accurately Absorbed

C++ is a large, complex language, and learning it is never entirely easy. But some concepts and techniques must be thoroughly mastered if...

The First-time Manager
The First-time Manager
So, what exactly is a new manager supposed to do? You have no
doubt met bosses who feel that their job is to tell others what to
do. Unfortunately, these managers really have not learned what
their role is. It is not to direct people, although some of that may
be needed. Rather, management should be the process of getting...
Automatic Wealth: The Six Steps to Financial Independence
Automatic Wealth: The Six Steps to Financial Independence
This book contains everything I know about making money, saving
it, starting a business, and achieving a life of moneyed leisure. And
doing it fast enough to satisfy not just Boca but anyone who doesn’t
have the time or desire to do it The Millionaire Next Door way by saving
a few thousand dollars a year for 30 or 40
Going Visual: Using Images to Enhance Productivity, Decision-Making and Profits
Going Visual: Using Images to Enhance Productivity, Decision-Making and Profits
This book addresses the question, “What is the best new tool I
could use to significantly improve my business?” The short
answer is images—and their power to communicate. Going Visual is
all about putting that power to use.

We live in a world of images. Images are everywhere, in magazines
Trump Strategies for Real Estate: Billionaire Lessons for the Small Investor
Trump Strategies for Real Estate: Billionaire Lessons for the Small Investor
DONALD TRUMP BECAME a billionaire in real estate by making a
series of incredibly creative and successful investments in New
York City properties. He is now the largest real estate developer in
New York and is widely acknowledged to be one of the most brilliant
real estate investing minds anywhere. For example, in the early...
Practical Software Process Improvement
Practical Software Process Improvement
Based on two of the most widely recognized software development models, CMM (capability maturity model)/CMMI (capability maturity model Integration), this unique new resource offers professionals practical how to guidance on software process improvement. The book provides clear implementation steps that are designed to have a highly positive impact...
Selective Sweep (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)
Selective Sweep (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)
Positive selection is the driving force for the adaptation of organisms
to an ever-changing environment, and it leads to adaptive evolution and in
some cases to speciation. When selective pressure is applied to individuals
based on their phenotype, it ultimately leads to the changes in the underlying
genetic content of the
Understanding IBM Workplace Strategy and Products: Featuring Lotus Workplace
Understanding IBM Workplace Strategy and Products: Featuring Lotus Workplace
IBM's vision for the future of collaborative computing is realized in this guide to implementing the IBM Workplace for IT managers. An overview of the key product lines that implement the IBM Workplace vision, including Lotus Workplace, WebSphere Portal, Lotus Notes and Domino, and WebSphere Everyplace is also provided.

The purchase of
Understanding Information Transmission (IEEE Press Understanding Science &Technology Series)
Understanding Information Transmission (IEEE Press Understanding Science &Technology Series)
Understanding Information Transmission introduces you to the entire field of information technology. In this consumer handbook and introductory student resource, seven chapters span the gamut of the field—the nature, storage, transmission, networking, and protection of information. In addition to the science and technology, this book...
Mining Sequential Patterns from Large Data Sets (Advances in Database Systems)
Mining Sequential Patterns from Large Data Sets (Advances in Database Systems)
The focus of Mining Sequential Patterns from Large Data Sets is on sequential pattern mining. In many applications, such as bioinformatics, web access traces, system utilization logs, etc., the data is naturally in the form of sequences. This information has been of great interest for analyzing the sequential data to find its...
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