 Recording Tips for Engineers, Second Edition: For cleaner, brighter tracks"Crammed with everything you need, and I mean everything. Simple explanations with brilliant illustrations, every conceivable studio tip and trick, a few 'rock star' anecdotes and, as usual, Tim's humor is great." Bob Schwall, Battery Studios
Over a thousand easy-to-use tips, hints, tricks, how-tos, setups,... |  |  Basic Engineering Mathematics, Fourth EditionA truly introductory mathematics course written for engineering students
Unlike most engineering maths texts, this book does not assume a firm grasp of GCSE maths, yet unlike low-level general maths texts the content is tailored for the needs of engineers. The result is a unique text written for engineering students, but... |  |  Demystifying Switching Power Supplies (Demystifying Technology)This book is intended for those who need to understand how a switching power supply works. I intend to provide enough information so you can intelligently specify a custom off-line supply from a power supply manufacturer. You should also gain enough information to be able to design a DC–DC converter. I have included basic analog design... |
 CCTV, Second Edition: Networking and Digital Technology
Closed circuit television (CCTV) is experiencing a leap in technology using digital techniques and the Internet. The new edition of this high-level professional reference retains the particulars that made the first edition a success, including the details of CCD cameras, lenses, coaxial cables, fiber-optics, and system design, but it is... |  |  JBoss 4.0 - The Official GuideIf you need to understand how JBoss works, why not learn it from the people who created it? JBoss 4.0 The Official Guide is the authoritative resource recognized as the official print documentation for JBoss 4.0. The only book for advanced JBoss users, this guide presents a complete understanding to configuring and using JBoss 4.0. It is fully... |  |  CISA Exam Cram 2 : Certified Information Systems AuditorWant an affordable yet innovative approach to studying for the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) 2005 exam? CISA 2005 Exam Cram 2 is your solution. You will have the essential material for passing the CISA 2005 exam right at your fingertips. All exam objectives are covered and you'll find practice exams,... |
 Physics for Game ProgrammersThis book illustrates how to infuse compelling and realistic action into game programmingeven if you dont have a college-level physics background! This book covers the basic physics and mathematical models and then shows clearly how to implement them basics to accurately simulate the motion and behavior of cars, planes, projectiles, rockets, and... |  |  Test Driving Linux: From Windows to Linux in 60 SecondsFor years, computer users have put up with the bugs, security holes, and viruses on Windows because they had no choice. Until recently, there has never been a good alternative to Windows. But now, Windows users can switch to Linux, the reliable, secure, and spyware free operating system. Linux is easy to use, runs on almost any PC, and enables you... |  |  |
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