Take advantage of the widest possible range of filtering techniques and still keep design time to a minimum with this book and CD-ROM toolkit. Complementing the book, this highly valuable disc contains an archive of filter coefficients and design functions written in Matlab.
Hacking is a natural need of many sentient beings. They pass along the thorny path of understanding the true essence of surrounding things, bent on destruction. Just look around: Atomic scientists split atoms, analysts split long molecules into lots of smaller ones, and mathematicians actively use decomposition. And not one of...
Undertaking a project is a key component of nearly all computing/information systems degree programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Projects in Computing and Information Systems covers the four key aspects of project work (planning, conducting, presenting and taking the project further) in chronological fashion, and...
The Most Comprehensive Reference on Open Source Apps for Windows Users!
This book introduces Microsoft® Windows® administrators to the world of Open Source applications in order to save time and money. It provides readers with information and techniques for using the appropriate Open Source applications in a variety of situations, such...
Bring the Power of Virtualization Software to Your Next Project!
VMware is the leading virtual machine software available today and it is the foundation for next generation computing as it allows users to run multiple operating systems simultaneously on the same PC. The VMware Workstation 5.0 Handbook teaches users the nuts and bolts of this...
Kevin Trudeau blows the lid off a nest of deception and double standards concerning general and individual health in this new book, "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You To Know About." Kevin has risked government prosecution to bring you the full story of an intricate conspiracy.
From the retail supermarket outlets of huge, publicly...
From the arid deserts of Tucson, Arizona to the icy forests of Poori, Finland to the tropical beaches of New South Wales, Australia to the urban jungle of downtown Manhattan, critics Alanna Stang and Christopher Hawthorne have traveled to the farthest reaches of the globe to find all that is new in the design of sustainable, or...
There is no doubt that many of the readers of this book series wonder
how the research/computational facilities will look like in the near future.
It seems that the efficiency and compactness of the silicon-based
computers are almost exhausted, and for significant progress one has to
look for alternative solutions. A very...
Within the last decade, microarray technology has evolved from an emerging
technology developed and used by a few laboratories into a well-established
technology used in laboratories all over the world. In fact, the need to
characterize genetic alterations is one of the highest priorities for the future of
medicine and the...
Education about multiple sclerosis has traditionally been medically oriented and related to disease and dysfunction. In contrast, this brand-new second edition of the Guide continues to focus on staying well in the presence of MS, a disease that - while incurable - can be managed. The book covers a broad spectrum of topics related to MS and...
The era of endo-oncology has arrived. Endo-oncology is now firmly en-
trenched in the diagnosis and management of urologic cancers. From its early
days with transurethral resection of bladder tumors, to the more recent de-
cades with establishment of techniques for percutaneous resection of transi-
tional cell carcinoma,...
Novel drugs are being developed which interact with the programmed cell death (apoptotic) machinery in cancer cells, thereby causing these cells to commit suicide and to be removed from the body. Research is also directed to investigate why the cancer cells sometimes lose the ability to undergo apoptosis after a certain period of time and...