Digital Photography for TeensDigital Photography for Teens.
We didn’t come up with that title. We’re not saying it’s a bad one—we’d be the last ones to ask. When a publisher decides what to call a book, you can be sure that they know exactly what they’re doing. And the title does say what this book is about—no questions... | | Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global ChallengeAs energy demands continue to surge worldwide, the need for more efficient and environmentally neutral energy production also becomes increasingly apparent. Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge presents a well-rounded perspective on the development of bio-based feedstocks, biodegradable plastics, hydrogen... | | Lean Six Sigma Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide
Whenever I say the words Lean Six Sigma, people’s eyes automatically glaze over
as visions of complex statistical formulas dance in their heads. If you feel this way,
you’re not alone. I have found that many people have a phobia of anything
resembling math or technology. Sometimes both. Well, let me set your fears to... |
Windows Vista in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick ReferenceThis unique reference thoroughly documents every important setting and feature in Microsoft's new operating system, with alphabetical listings for hundreds of commands, windows, menus, listboxes, buttons, scrollbars and other elements of Windows Vista. With this book's simple organization, you'll easily find any setting,... | | Building the Perfect PCThis popular Build-It-Yourself (BIY) PC book covers everything you want to know about building your own system: Planning and picking out the right components, step-by-step instructions for assembling your perfect PC, and an insightful discussion of why you'd want to do it in the first place. Most big brand computers from HP, Dell and others use... | | Learning Mambo: A Step-by-Step Tutorial to Building Your WebsiteA well-structured and example-rich tutorial to creating websites using Mambo that is perfect for new Mambo users needing a clear a reassuring guide to this simple and yet powerful PHP and MySQL-based Open Source website content management system. Mambo is a mature and fully featured open-source Content Management System (CMS). Mambo is easy to use... |
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