 Time And Thermodynamics (Physics in Our World)A LEGEND OF the ancient Greeks tells the story of a god called Prometheus, who taught people how to make fire. This gave a tremendous boost to humanity, and the other gods were furious with Prometheus for allowing humans to wield such potency.
Although the story of Prometheus is a myth, the ability to harness fire and heat did provide... |  |  Light And Optics (Physics in Our World)SEVERAL THOUSAND YEARS ago people believed that vision involved the emission of some kind of radiation by the eye. Everyone realized the eyes are necessary—an eye injury causes a loss of vision—but people in ancient times imagined the eye sent out rays and bounced them off distant objects, providing a sense of vision by analyzing the... |  |  Atoms And Materials (Physics in Our World)JET AIRPLANES MADE their first appearance during World War II (1939–1945), almost 40 years after American inventors Orville and Wilbur Wright built and flew the first airplane. Although jet engines are powerful and efficient, early airplanes had to settle for slow, cumbersome propellers, driven by piston engines quite similar to automobile... |
 Particles And the Universe (Physics in Our World)AS A STUDENT forced to flee Cambridge University during an epidemic in 1665–66, Isaac Newton—later knighted, becoming Sir Isaac—found a lot of time to do experiments. He put this time to good use, discovering the basis for many of the laws of physics he would go on to publish a few decades later. Newton’s equations... |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  Alison Balter's Mastering Microsoft(R) Office Access 2007 DevelopmentMicrosoft Office 2007 is a major upgrade from the last version of Office; Access will also be greatly revised. Alison Balter is the name that Access developers will trust to guide them through Access 2007's new features. She has the rare ability to take complex topics and explain them clearly, as shown by the success of her ten previous books on... |  |  Advances in Enterprise Information Technology Security (Premier Reference)In the last decade information and computer security is mainly moving from the confines of academia to the enterprise concerns. As populations become more and more comfortable with the extensive use of networks and the Internet, as our reliance on the knowledge-intensive technology grows, and as progress in the computer software and wireless... |
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