 Wireless Communications & NetworkingThis book provides comprehensive coverage of mobile data networking and mobile communications under a single cover for diverse audiences including managers, practicing engineers, and students who need to understand this industry. In the last two decades, many books have been written on the subject of wireless communications and networking. However,... |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  Color Constancy (The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology)A human observer is able to recognize the color of objects irrespective of the light used to illuminate the objects. This ability is called color constancy. In photography, color constancy is known under the name white balance. Most amateur photographers have probably experienced the following problem at one time or another when a photograph is... |
 |  |  IQ: A Smart History of a Failed IdeaAdvance praise for
IQ A Smart History of a Failed Idea
"An up-to-date, reader-friendly account of the continuing saga of the mismeasure of women and men." —Howard Gardner, author of Frames of Mind and Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons
"The good news is that you won't be... |  |  Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine
Since the first edition of this book, pharmaceutical medicine has only become more diverse and has also
become widely accepted as a recognized medical specialty, for example, with its first graduates of specialist
training in the United Kingdom, to add to those of Switzerland, and Mexico. This has been accompanied by
pharmaceutical... |
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