 Microsoft Office Access 2007 QuickStepsStep-by-Step, Full-Color Graphics!
Get started using Access 2007 right away--the QuickSteps way. Color screenshots and clear instructions show you how to use all the new and improved features. Follow along and learn to work with the new Office interface and ribbon, create databases and tables, and enter and edit data. You'll... |  |  Role-Based Access Control, Second EditionRole-based access control (RBAC) is a security mechanism that has gained wide acceptance in the field because it can greatly lower the cost and complexity of securing large networked and Web-based systems. Written by leading experts, this newly revised edition of the Artech House bestseller, Role-Based Access Control, offers practitioners... |  |  From Clockwork to Crapshoot: A History of PhysicsThis book is a survey of the history of physics, together with the associated astronomy, mathematics, and chemistry, from the beginnings of science to the present. I pay particular attention to the change from a deterministic view of nature to one dominated by probabilities, from viewing the universe as running like clockwork to seeing it as a... |
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