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Model-Driven Testing: Using the UML Testing Profile
Model-Driven Testing: Using the UML Testing Profile
Model-driven development has become the most important new paradigm in software development and has already demonstrated considerable impact in reducing time to market and improving product quality. However, the development of high-quality systems not only requires systematic development processes but also systematic test processes.

This book...

Database Programming Languages: 11th International Symposium, DBPL 2007, Vienna, Austria, September 23-24, 2007
Database Programming Languages: 11th International Symposium, DBPL 2007, Vienna, Austria, September 23-24, 2007
This volume contains the proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages (DBPL 2007), held in Vienna, Austria, on September 23–24, 2007. DBPL 2007 was one of 15 meetings co-located with VLDB (the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases).

DBPL continues to present the very best work at the
Spatial Data Modelling for 3D GIS
Spatial Data Modelling for 3D GIS
This book is based on research works done by the authors at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom and the International Institute for GeoInformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The Netherlands in 2000 and 1996 respectively. We were motivated to write the book when we began a joint research work in 1992 for our postgraduate...
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation VII: International Workshop, MABS 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 8, 2006, Revised and Invited Papers
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation VII: International Workshop, MABS 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 8, 2006, Revised and Invited Papers
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, MABS 2006, held in Hakodate, Japan, May 8, 2006 as an associated event of AAMAS 2006, the main international conference on autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.

The 12 revised full papers presented together with 3...

Microsoft(R) Office Project Server 2007 Unleashed
Microsoft(R) Office Project Server 2007 Unleashed
Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 Unleashed provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 and Enterprise Project Management (EPM). This book should be used as a reference to guide you through system capabilities and the use of more advanced product features in the context of your business...
Mobile 3D Graphics: with OpenGL ES and M3G (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
Mobile 3D Graphics: with OpenGL ES and M3G (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
Graphics and game developers must learn to program for mobility. This book will teach you how.

"This book - written by some of the key technical experts...provides a comprehensive but practical and easily understood introduction for any software engineer seeking to delight the consumer with rich 3D interactive experiences on their
Network Security Assessment: Know Your Network
Network Security Assessment: Know Your Network
How secure is your network? The best way to find out is to attack it. Network Security Assessment provides you with the tricks and tools professional security consultants use to identify and assess risks in Internet-based networks-the same penetration testing model they use to secure government, military, and commercial networks. With this...
Oracle Essentials: Oracle Database 11g
Oracle Essentials: Oracle Database 11g
Oracle is an enormous system, with myriad technologies, options, and releases. Most users-even experienced developers and database administrators-find it difficult to get a handle on the full scope of the Oracle database. And, as each new Oracle version is released, users find themselves under increasing pressure to learn about a whole range of new...
CISA Review Manual 2008
CISA Review Manual 2008
The CISA Review Manual 2008 has been completely revised and updated with new content to reflect changing industry principles and practices, and is organized according to the current CISA job practice areas. The manual features detailed descriptions of the tasks performed by IS auditors and the knowledge required to plan, manage and perform IS...
Why There's Antifreeze in Your Toothpaste: The Chemistry of Household Ingredients
Why There's Antifreeze in Your Toothpaste: The Chemistry of Household Ingredients
This book started in my shower.

The label on my shampoo bottle listed many compounds, and, due to my interest in chemistry, most of them were familiar or had obvious functions. However, one compound stood out as puzzling: sodium chloride.

Why was there salt in my shampoo?

Since I wasn't likely to be eating it, I
Downsizing Your Home with Style: Living Well In a Smaller Space
Downsizing Your Home with Style: Living Well In a Smaller Space

There are many reasons why you might be moving to a smaller home. Maybe your children have left the nest and you’re ready to fly the coop to a smaller, more manageable home, or maybe you’re about to return to the city after living in the suburbs for a couple of decades. Perhaps you’re exchang ing one large home for two...

Bridging the Gap Between Graph Edit Distance and Kernel Machines (Series in Machine Perception and Artifical Intelligence)
Bridging the Gap Between Graph Edit Distance and Kernel Machines (Series in Machine Perception and Artifical Intelligence)

When we rst started working on the problem of making the kernel machine approach applicable to the classi cation of graphs a couple of years ago, our e orts were mainly driven by the fact that kernel methods had led to impressive performance results on many data sets. It didn't take us long to appreciate the sheer elegance of how...

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