 |  |  Model-Based Software Testing and Analysis with C#This book teaches new methods for specifying, analyzing, and testing software; essentials for creating high-quality software. These methods increase the automation in each of these steps, making them more timely, more thorough, and more effective. The authors work through several realistic case studies in-depth and detail, using a toolkit built on... |  |  The Focal Easy Guide to Final Cut Pro 6"This book will help you learn how to use Final Cut Pro 5 quickly and confidently." - Stills Audio Motion
"In such a relatively short book as compared to the 800 page tomes I usually find, there is not much that Rick Young does not cover in order to get the new user up and running as soon and as painlessly as... |
 Teach Yourself VISUALLYDrawingDrawing is a very personal endeavor. Here, in this short introduction, the authors introduce ideas and motivations as to why they are attracted to the art of drawing.
The creation of the illusion of reality on a flat, blank surface always has and still fascinates me as an artist. With some good instruction, practice, and basic tools such... |  |  Mac OS X Leopard All-in-One Desk Reference For DummiesYour new Mac with OS X Leopard is so cool! You have digital media, including iTunes, iPhoto, iDVD, and iMovie, at your fingertips, as well as everything the Internet has to offer. Where do you start to make the most of it? With Mac OS X Leopard All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies, of course! Here are seven handy minibooks, each devoted to one... |  |  Whiskey and Spirits For Dummies
For thousands of years man and womankind celebrated major
events — religious and secular — by having a taste or even
two of a fermented beverage that contained alcohol. Things got
even tastier around 800 CE — the height of development of the
Moorish culture. That’s when a brilliant alchemist in the... |
 Computational River DynamicsThis comprehensive text on the fundamentals of modeling flow and sediment transport in rivers treats both the physical principles and numerical methods for various degrees of complexity. It covers 1-D, 2-D (both depth- and width-averaged), and 3-D models, as well as the integration and coupling of these models. The volume includes a broad selection... |  |  Philosophical Frameworks for Understanding Information SystemsInformation systems have five main areas of research and practice in which humans relate to information and communications technology. Typically isolated from one another, these areas are: the nature of computers and information, the creation of information technologies, the development of artifacts for human use, the usage of information systems,... |  |  Crysis: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official Game Guides)
•Detailed strategies on when and where to utilize your Nanosuit abilities, weapon augmentations, vehicles, and more.
•In-depth information on every single weapon, including rates of fire and damage criteria for both single- and multiplayer.
•Incredibly deep tactics covering every single-player... |
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