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Radiation Oncology Advances (Cancer Treatment and Research)
Radiation Oncology Advances (Cancer Treatment and Research)

Radiation therapy remains a mainstay of cancer treatment: it is estimated that around half of all cancer patients in Europe, in the US probably close to two-thirds, receive radiation therapy as part of their initial therapy, for salvage or for palliation. There are good reasons to expect the role of radiation therapy in the management of...

Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: Expert Consult: Online and Print, 18e
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: Expert Consult: Online and Print, 18e

This distinguished reference carries on a 70-year legacy as the world's most thorough, useful, readable, and understandable text on the principles and techniques of surgery. Its peerless contributors deliver all the well-rounded, state-of-the-art knowledge you need to richly grasp the pathophysiology and optimal management of every...

NMS Medicine (National Medical Series for Independent Study)
NMS Medicine (National Medical Series for Independent Study)

NMS Medicine, Sixth Edition is the ideal reference and review for medical students in the internal medicine clerkship. The concise, outline-format coverage of essentials, end-of-chapter USMLE-style questions, and case studies at the end of the book offer excellent preparation for the shelf/end-of-rotation exam and USMLE.

Computational Probability: Algorithms and Applications in the Mathematical Sciences (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)
Computational Probability: Algorithms and Applications in the Mathematical Sciences (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)

This title organizes computational probability methods into a systematic treatment. The book examines two categories of problems. "Algorithms for Continuous Random Variables" covers data structures and algorithms, transformations of random variables, and products of independent random variables. "Algorithms for...

Introduction to Bayesian Scientific Computing: Ten Lectures on Subjective Computing
Introduction to Bayesian Scientific Computing: Ten Lectures on Subjective Computing
The book of nature, according to Galilei, is written in the language of mathematics. The nature of mathematics is being exact, and its exactness is underlined by the formalism used by mathematicians to write it. This formalism, characterized by theorems and proofs, and syncopated with occasional lemmas, remarks and corollaries, is so deeply...
Introduction to Discrete Event Systems
Introduction to Discrete Event Systems
As its title suggests, this book is about a special class of systems which in recent decades have become an integral part of our world. Before getting into the details of this particular class of systems, it is reasonable to start out by simply describing what we mean by a “system”, and by presenting the fundamental concepts associated...
Final Cut Pro Workflows: The Independent Studio Handbook
Final Cut Pro Workflows: The Independent Studio Handbook
Film/Video/Production/Final Cut Pro

. . . with an easy style and great depth, Final Cut Pro Workflows: The Independent Studio Handbook is an enjoyable and important read. Osder and Carman offer a diverse background and extensive experience with Final Cut Pro.
Richard Harrington, president of RHED Pixel and author of Photoshop for
Practical Apache Struts 2 Web 2.0 Projects (Practical Projects)
Practical Apache Struts 2 Web 2.0 Projects (Practical Projects)
Apache Struts has long provided Java developers with a powerful framework for building extensible, maintainable web applications. Yet the latest version 2 release takes developers’ capabilities to the next level, having integrated Ajax support, the ability to easily integration with the Spring framework, and the ability to take full advantage...
Microsoft ®  Office 2007 Business Intelligence
Microsoft ® Office 2007 Business Intelligence
Microsoft Office has been the standard against which all other integrated office products have been measured since 1995. Throughout the years, we’ve watched Office, as everyone now knows it, go from being a somewhat simplistic word processor and spreadsheet to include capabilities such as desktop publishing, sophisticated e-mail and schedule...
Information Assurance: Dependability and Security in Networked Systems (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
Information Assurance: Dependability and Security in Networked Systems (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
In todays fast paced, infocentric environment, professionals increasingly rely on networked information technology to do business. Unfortunately, with the advent of such technology came new and complex problems that continue to threaten the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of our electronic information. It is therefore absolutely...
Creating Assertion-Based IP (Series on Integrated Circuits and Systems)
Creating Assertion-Based IP (Series on Integrated Circuits and Systems)
Assertion-based IP is much more than a comprehensive set of related assertions. It is a full-fledged reusable and configurable transaction-level verification component, which is used to detect both interesting and incorrect behaviors. Upon detecting interesting or incorrect behavior, the assertion-based IP alerts other verification components...
Sarbanes-Oxley IT Compliance Using Open Source Tools-Second Edition, Second Edition
Sarbanes-Oxley IT Compliance Using Open Source Tools-Second Edition, Second Edition
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (officially titled the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002), signed into law on 30 July 2002 by President Bush, is considered the most significant change to federal securities laws in the United States since the New Deal. It came in the wake of a series of corporate financial scandals,...
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