Software Process Improvement: 14th European Conference, EuroSPI 2007, Potsdam, Germany, September 26-28, 2007, ProceedingsThis textbook is intended for use by SPI (software process improvement) managers and researchers, quality managers, and experienced project and research managers. The papers constitute the research proceedings of the 14th EuroSPI (European Software Process Improvement, www.eurospi.net) conference in Potsdam, September 26-28, 2007, Germany.... |  |  The Method of Moments in ElectromagneticsResponding to the need for a clear, up-to-date introduction to the field, The Method of Moments in Electromagnetics explores surface integral equations in electromagnetics and presents their numerical solution using the method of moments (MOM) technique. It provides the numerical implementation aspects at a nuts-and-bolts level... |  |  Painting Do-It-Yourself For DummiesPainting your home yourself can be faster, more affordable and even easier than hiring professionals—but only if you get it right the first time. Painting Do-It-Yourself For Dummies, helps you do just that with easy-to-follow, step-by-step procedures for giving your, floors, walls, and ceilings the extreme makeover of your dreams.... |