 |  |  Dictionary of Contact Allergens
Here is a helpful guide, A-to-Z guide on the structures of chemicals implicated in contact dermatitis. It describes each molecule along with its principal name for classification. The dictionary also lists the most important synonyms, the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Number that characterizes the substance and its chemical... |  |  Simplified Facial Rejuvenation
Simplified Facial Rejuvenation is divided into sections that include anatomy and anesthesia, classifications, dermatologic procedures, suture lifts, surgical variations of the face, surgical variations of the eyes, brow, neck, lips, nose ear, and scalp, and medical legal aspects. The book presents multiple variations of suture lift procedures... |
 CNET Do-It-Yourself Home Networking ProjectsYou may be thinking that home networking is so ubiquitous there could not possibly be anything new or different to do with this interconnected marvel of now everyday technology. You can surf the Web on any of two to three PCs, upload and download photos, fill an MP3 player to the brim, and chat with your friends and family via IM—what more... |  |  Measurement and Modeling of Silicon Heterostructure DevicesWhen you see a nicely presented set of data, the natural response is: “How did they do that; what tricks did they use; and how can I do that for myself?” Alas, usually, you must simply keep wondering, since such tricks-of- the-trade are usually held close to the vest and rarely divulged. Shamefully ignored in the technical literature,... |  |  SiGe and Si Strained-Layer Epitaxy for Silicon Heterostructure DevicesWhat seems routine today was not always so. The field of Si-based heterostructures rests solidly on the shoulders of materials scientists and crystal growers, those purveyors of the semiconductor “black arts” associated with the deposition of pristine films of nanoscale dimensionality onto enormous Si wafers with near infinite... |
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