 Google Web Toolkit: GWT Java Ajax ProgrammingThis book is for Java developers who want to create Ajax interfaces using the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). It focuses on useful, practical tasks from the first chapter. The book is aimed at programmers who want to use GWT to create interfaces for their professional web applications. It concentrates on the serious side of Ajax: creating powerful,... |  |  |  |  Fighting Crime Together: The Challenges of Policing and Security NetworksWhether they want to or not, police are increasingly having to work with and through many local, national and international partnerships. This edited collection explores the development of policing and security networks. It looks at ways in which police can develop new strategies for integrating the knowledge, capacities and resources of different... |
 |  |  |  |  Botnets: The Killer Web AppThis is the first book to explain the newest internet threat - Botnets, zombie armies, bot herders, what is being done, and what you can do to protect your enterprise!
The book begins with real world cases of botnet attacks to underscore the need for action. Next the book will explain botnet fundamentals using real world... |
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