 The Art and Science of CSSIn the early days of CSS, many web designers associated it with boring, square boxes and thin borders. “CSS is ugly!” they would cry. It took projects such as CSS Edge1 and CSS Zen Garden2 to show the web design world that not only could CSS designs achieve the same aesthetic qualities of their table-based ancestors, but, furthermore,... |  |  Computer Graphics for Java ProgrammersA great many varied and interesting visual effects can be achieved with computer graphics, for which a fundamental understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts – and a knowledge of how they can be implemented in a particular programming language – is essential.
Computer Graphics for Java Programmers, 2nd... |  |  Moving to Microsoft Windows Vista: Visual QuickProject GuideThe Visual QuickProject Guide you’re reading o ers a unique way to learn new skills. Instead of boring you with long text descriptions, this book uses color screen shots with clear, concise, step-by-step instructions to show you how to complete a specifi c project in a matter of minutes.
The short projects in this book... |
 The Cable and Telecommunications Professionals' Reference, Volume 1, Third EditionThis book is for any telecommunications-convergence professional who needs to understand the structure of the industry, the structure of telephony networks and services, and the equipment involved.With the growing variety of networks and technologies now on offer it is inevitable that some convergence will take place between different networks,... |  |  Introduction to Precise Numerical Methods, Second EditionNow that powerful PCs and Macs are everywhere available, when solving a numerical problem, we should no longer be content with an indefinite answer, that is, an answer where the error bound is either unknown or a vague guess. This book’s software allows you to obtain your numerical answers to a prescribed number of correct decimal places. For... |  |  |
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