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Hands-On ZigBee: Implementing 802.15.4 with Microcontrollers (Embedded Technology)
Hands-On ZigBee: Implementing 802.15.4 with Microcontrollers (Embedded Technology)
"I recommend this book to anyone doing 802.15.4 or ZigBee development. It is likely that Eady touches on the platform you are or will be using and it contrasts it well with everything else out there." - William Wong, Electronic Design, August 2007

Since its recent introduction, the ZigBee protocol has created an
Speed Math for Kids: The Fast, Fun Way To Do Basic Calculations
Speed Math for Kids: The Fast, Fun Way To Do Basic Calculations
I could have called this book Fun with Speed Mathematics. It contains some of the same material as my other books and teaching materials. It also includes additional methods and applications based on the strategies taught in Speed Mathematics that, I hope, give more insight into the mathematical principles and encourage creative thought. I have...
Buying Trances: A New Psychology of Sales and Marketing
Buying Trances: A New Psychology of Sales and Marketing
Praise for Buying Trances

"The genius of Joe Vitale has never shone brighter. This thoroughly documented and easy-to-read book is the first of its kind. Vitale gives you the keys to their minds. All you have to do is turn the keys. They said 'yes' to you long before you said a word and they were begging to buy from you
Portable Video, Fifth Edition: ENG & EFP
Portable Video, Fifth Edition: ENG & EFP

Portable Video: ENG and EFP, Fifth Edition focuses on the techniques and technology of single camera electronic news gathering and electronic field production. Covering everything from basic creative and technical editing techniques to budgets and copyright issues, it is accessible to the home videomaker or amateur and to the professional...

Systems Analysis and Design with UML
Systems Analysis and Design with UML
Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) is an exciting, active field in which analysts continually learn new techniques and approaches to develop systems more effectively and efficiently. However there is a core set of skills that all analysts need to know—no matter what approach or methodology is used. All information systems...
Wiley Pathways Introduction to Database Management
Wiley Pathways Introduction to Database Management
College classrooms bring together learners from many backgrounds, with a variety of aspirations. Although the students are in the same course, they are not necessarily on the same path. This diversity, coupled with the reality that these learners often have jobs, families, and other commitments, requires a flexibility that our...
Digital Design and Computer Architecture
Digital Design and Computer Architecture

Digital Design and Computer Architecture is designed for courses that combine digital logic design with computer organization/architecture or that teach these subjects as a two-course sequence. Digital Design and Computer Architecture begins with a modern approach by rigorously covering the fundamentals of digital logic design...

Absolute C++ (3rd Edition)
Absolute C++ (3rd Edition)
   Organized around the structure of the C++ programming language, Absolute C++, Third Edition, benefits C++ readers of all levels with its comprehensive coverage and accessible style. Best-selling author Walt Savitch presents concepts and techniques in a clear, concise manner using understandable language and code...
Beginning Ajax (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Ajax (Programmer to Programmer)
This book discusses what Ajax is and what it means to Web developers, as well as the technologies behind Ajax applications. The early chapters of this book begin with a discussion of the pros and cons of Ajax techniques, and they provide a quick refresher of JavaScript techniques. Working through this book, you’ll discover how Ajax...
Professional Community Server (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional Community Server (Programmer to Programmer)
Built on the .NET 2.0 platform, Telligent's Community Server allows web developers to implement a robust community site where users can share, discuss, and interact in very powerful ways. With its open API and available source code, Community Server is customizable using available 3rd party modules, or you can write your own code to extend...
Professional Rich Internet Applications: AJAX and Beyond (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional Rich Internet Applications: AJAX and Beyond (Programmer to Programmer)
Now you can provide users with the same rich experience and functionality on the web that they've become accustomed to on the desktop computer. This book will show you how to take AJAX and Ruby on Rails to the next level by combining numerous cutting-edge technologies in order to develop full-fledged web applications. It explores a number of...
Web Standards Creativity: Innovations in Web Design with XHTML, CSS, and DOM Scripting
Web Standards Creativity: Innovations in Web Design with XHTML, CSS, and DOM Scripting
Here at friends of ED, we know that as a web designer or developer, your work involves more than just working to pay the bills. We know that each day, you strive to push the boundaries of your medium, unleashing your creativity in new ways to make your websites more engaging and attractive to behold, while still maintaining cross-browser support,...
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