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Microformats: Empowering Your Markup for Web 2.0
Microformats: Empowering Your Markup for Web 2.0
Microformats burst onto the scene a couple of years ago and are fast becoming an essential tool for all professional web designers and developers. Imagine being able to integrate all of your web-based contact details, tagged articles, and geographical information seamlessly in web and desktop applications, without having to add anything extra to...
Professional Windows Workflow Foundation
Professional Windows Workflow Foundation

If you want to gain the skills to build Windows Workflow Foundation solutions, then this is the book for you. It provides you with a clear, practical guide on how to develop workflow-based software and integrate it into existing technology landscapes. Throughout the pages, you'll also find numerous real-world examples and sample code that...

Hacking Exposed Wireless
Hacking Exposed Wireless

Secure Your Wireless Networks the Hacking Exposed Way

Defend against the latest pervasive and devastating wireless attacks using the tactical security information contained in this comprehensive volume. Hacking Exposed Wireless reveals how hackers zero in on susceptible networks and peripherals, gain access, and execute...

Data Structures and Algorithms Using C#
Data Structures and Algorithms Using C#
C# programmers: no more translating data structures from C++ or Java to use in your programs! Mike McMillan provides a tutorial on how to use data structures and algorithms plus the first comprehensive reference for C# implementation of data structures and algorithms found in the .NET Framework library, as well as those developed by the...
Elements of Quantum Information
Elements of Quantum Information
'Elements of Quantum Information' introduces the reader to the fascinating field of quantum information processing, which lives on the interface between computer science, physics, mathematics, and engineering. This interdisciplinary branch of science thrives on the use of quantum mechanics as a resource for high potential modern applications. With...
Milestones in Matrix Computation: The selected works of Gene H. Golub with commentaries
Milestones in Matrix Computation: The selected works of Gene H. Golub with commentaries
At a meeting in Moscow in June 2005, Gil Strang suggested that there be a collection of Gene Golub's work to highlight his many important contributions to numerical analysis. The three of us were honored to undertake this pleasant task, with publication timed for February "29", 2007, the 75th anniversary of Gene's birth.

Home Networking For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Home Networking For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Integrate a Vista PC into your existing XP network

Share the Internet and work more efficiently from anywhere in your home!

Ready to become the administrator of your own home network? This bestselling guide has been fully updated to walk you through all the newest options...

Exploring Scanning Probe Microscopy with MATHEMATICA
Exploring Scanning Probe Microscopy with MATHEMATICA
This second edition of the book Exploring Scanning Probe Microscopy with Mathematica is a revised and extended version of the first edition. It consists of a collection of self-contained, interactive, computational examples from the fields of scanning tunneling microscopy, scanning force microscopy, and related technologies, using Mathematica...
Spain For Dummies
Spain For Dummies

Art and architecture lovers, ecotourists, history buffs, gourmands, wine aficionados, culture scholars, outdoor sports fanatics—Spain truly has something for everyone. Its good weather and many varied attractions make it ideal for year-round vacationing. Spain is the home of diverse cultures and traditions. From the stoic independence of...

Resumes for Science Careers (McGraw-Hill Professional Resumes)
Resumes for Science Careers (McGraw-Hill Professional Resumes)

Master the science of a well-crafted resume!

You've worked hard for your college degree; now it's time to take that education and put it to work. Get an edge on the other job applicants with Resumes for Science Careers, a resource packed with expert advice on creating a concise, stylish resume that will...

Breast Cancer Management and Molecular Medicine
Breast Cancer Management and Molecular Medicine

Tailoring treatment for individual breast cancers is no longer a dream and is now the main goal for current research. This book gives an overview of the most recent techniques, agents and approaches for breast cancer and the individualization of treatment. Particular attention is given to organ-specific tailored approaches, specific...

Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
This book provides a compilation on the state-of-the-art and recent advances of evolutionary algorithms in dynamic and uncertain environments within a unified framework. The motivation for this book arises from the fact that some degree of uncertainty in characterizing any realistic engineering systems is inevitable. Representative methods for...
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