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Cryptography and Network Security
Cryptography and Network Security
The Internet, as a worldwide communication network, has changed our daily life in many ways. A new paradigm of commerce allows individuals to shop online. The World Wide Web (WWW) allows people to share information. The E-mail technology conned people in far-flung corners of the world. 'ITiis inevitable evolution has also cre-...
No Quarter: A Matty Graves Novel (The Matty Graves Novels)
No Quarter: A Matty Graves Novel (The Matty Graves Novels)

This first book in the series introduces Matty Graves, midshipman in the early years of the United States Navy. In 1799, the young US Navy faces France in an undeclared Quasi-War for the Caribbean. Matty Graves is caught up in escalating violence as he serves aboard the Rattle-Snake under his drunken cousin, Billy. Matty already knows how to...

Healing Fibromyalgia
Healing Fibromyalgia
If you picked up this book looking for more ways to cope with fibromyalgia, you’re in for a surprise. What we propose here is that fibromyalgia is not an incurable, chronic source of pain and misery but rather a temporary and reversible problem that can be fixed.

Just in the last year, a wealth of
Essential Fashion Illustration: Poses (Essential Fashion Illustrations:)
Essential Fashion Illustration: Poses (Essential Fashion Illustrations:)
Learn how to draw posed figures for fashion illustration

This comprehensive reference provides hands-on techniques for created posed figures for fashion illustration. The first section illustrates various examples of nude and semi-nude poses (male and female). Later chapters illustrate the same poses wearing sportswear,...

California Algebra 2: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving
California Algebra 2: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving

Unit 1: First-Degree Equations and Inequalities. Unit 2: Quadratic, Polynomial, and Radical Equations and Inequalities. Unit 3: Advanced Functions and Relations. Unit 4: Discrete Mathematics. Unit 5: Trigonometry. Standards Review.

The Top Performer's Guide to Speeches and Presentations
The Top Performer's Guide to Speeches and Presentations

The Top Performer's Guide to Speeches and Presentations helps businesspeople master that most daunting of workplace challenges-addressing a group of coworkers, clients or customers.

--Overcoming nerves and fear
--Preparing for different types of speeches
--Engaging the audience

Carpentry (For Pros By Pros)
Carpentry (For Pros By Pros)

Carpentry covers every important facet of residential carpentry, from framing the mudsills, walls, floors, ceilings and roof to building stairs, cabinets and other built-ins, as well as basic finish carpentry skills such as interior trim carpentry and exterior siding.

For builders and remodelers, Carpentry

An Introduction to International Health
An Introduction to International Health

An Introduction to International Health crafts an intricate history of of overseas aid and an intense look at the determinants of population health, poverty, developing world debt and malnutrition. Solutions are examined via primary health care strategies, poverty alleviation, developing world relief, as well as human rights...

Visio 2007 Bible
Visio 2007 Bible
Visio® 2007 Bible is as comprehensive a guide to the popular Microsoft diagramming software as a book of less than 1000 pages can be. Covering both Visio Standard and Visio Professional, this book explains Visio fundamentals as well as more advanced techniques that help you master any type of diagram. It also describes in detail how to use each...
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Programming For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Programming For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Create and modify databases and keep them secure

Get up to speed on using T-SQL to store and manipulate data

SQL Server 2005 improves an already great database management system. This book shows you how to put it to work in a hurry. You'll find out how to use the SQL Server Management Studio...

CISSP For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
CISSP For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Cramming for the CISSP exam? This friendly test-prep guide makes studying a snap! Prepared by two CISSP-certified experts, it gets you up to speed on the latest changes to the exam and gives you proven test-taking tips. You’ll find complete coverage of all ten domains of the (ISC)2 Common Body of Knowledge to help you pass with flying...

MCTS: Microsoft Windows Vista Client Configuration Study Guide: Exam 70-620
MCTS: Microsoft Windows Vista Client Configuration Study Guide: Exam 70-620
Get in-depth preparation for Microsoft's new MCTS: Windows Vista exam.

With the release of Windows Vista, Microsoft is introducing a new job-skills Windows Vista certification. The MCTS: Windows Vista Client Configuration exam (70-620) serves as both a one-exam certification for the Technology Specialist certification track...

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