 Remote Sensing: The Image Chain ApproachRemote Sensing deals with the fundamental ideas underlying the rapidly growing field of remote sensing. John Schott explores energy-matter interaction, radiation propagation, data dissemination, and described the tools and procedures required to extract information from remotely sensed data using the image chain approach. Organizations and... |  |  Designing Successful e-Learning, Michael Allen's Online Learning Library“The theoretical literature on learning and growth can be difficult to master and even more challenging to integrate into e-learning, but Michael has made this easy for all of us. He explains this thinking in clear and accessible language, amplifies the theories with research results, and describes popular approaches by applying these... |  |  |
 Wavelets and Their Applications (Digital Signal and Image Processing series)Showing how wavelets combine signal in image processing, mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering, this introduction to wavelet technology helps engineers master the basic techniques for using wavelets in such applications as image compression, turbulence, human vision, radar, and earthquake prediction. Among the topics covered are the... |  |  |  |  |
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