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Release Your Brilliance: The 4 Steps to Transforming Your Life and Revealing Your Genius to the World
Release Your Brilliance: The 4 Steps to Transforming Your Life and Revealing Your Genius to the World
Each of us is born brilliant. Then we spend the rest of our lives having our brilliance buried by people, circumstances, and experiences. Eventually, we forget that we ever had genius and special talents, and our brilliance is locked away in a vault deep within. So we settle for who we are, instead of striving for who we were meant to be.


Physics and Chemistry of Micro-Nanotribology
Physics and Chemistry of Micro-Nanotribology
The roots of micro/nanotribology can be found deep in conventional concepts of tribology. The recognition in the last century of elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) as the principal mode of fluid-film lubrication in many machine components enabled reliable design procedures to be developed for both highly stressed and low elastic modulus machine...
Enterprise 2.0
Enterprise 2.0

The notion that the corporation is changing fundamentally has been around for decades – dating back to Peter Drucker’s seminal work in the 1980s on ‘The New Organization’. In 1992, I discussed what I called ‘The New Enterprise’ in my book Paradigm Shift, saying ‘the corporation of old simply...

Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines
Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines

Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines is the established essential text for the fundamental solutions to efficient wind turbine design. Now in its second edition, it has been entirely updated and substantially extended to reflect advances in technology, research into rotor aerodynamics and the structural response of the wind turbine structure.

Mahatma Gandhi (20th Century Biographies)
Mahatma Gandhi (20th Century Biographies)

Mahatma Gandhi led the struggle for Indian independence from the British Empire. The British ruled India for many years. Gandhi also gained civil rights for the Indian population that lived in South Africa.

Although Gandhi was a small, frail man, he faced strong nations using only his weapons of nonviolent resistance. Encouraging...

Fringe Knowledge for Beginners
Fringe Knowledge for Beginners

The last half of my life has been spent in the active pursuit of truth. In the following pages I sketch the broadest map of what I have learned in the fewest words possible. You will not find proof between the covers of this book, rather ideas and principles that give you understanding and perspective on proof existing all around and within...

The Rosetta Stone: And the Rebirth of Ancient Egypt
The Rosetta Stone: And the Rebirth of Ancient Egypt

The Rosetta Stone is the most famous object in the British Museum. According to the museum’s own fi gures, it is the most visited item in the entire display, and perhaps the most lingered over, although a similar claim is sometimes made for the unwrapped mummy of a ginger tomcat which also forms part of the Egyptian collections. The...

Dissecting SQL Server Execution Plans
Dissecting SQL Server Execution Plans

Every day, out in the various discussion boards devoted to Microsoft SQL Server, the same types of questions come up again and again: Why is this query running slow? Is my index getting used? Why does this query run faster than this query? My response is the same n in each case: have you looked at the execution plan? Execution plans provide a...

PIC Microconrtoller and embedded systems
PIC Microconrtoller and embedded systems

Products using microprocessors generally fall into two categories. The first category uses high-performance microprocessors such as the Pentium in applications where system performance is critical. We have an entire book dedicated to this topic, The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers, Volumes / and //, from Prentice Hall, in the second...

Green IT in Practice
Green IT in Practice

There is a scientific consensus that we need to act rapidly to cut carbon dioxide emissions if we are to limit the most extreme effects of climate change. The IT sector is in a unique position to act as a catalyst for this change. By implementing simple efficiencies, the sector can reduce its carbon footprint – which currently...

Parallel Programming in C with Mpi and Openmp
Parallel Programming in C with Mpi and Openmp

The era of practical parallel programming has arrived, marked by the popularity of the MPI and OpenMP software standards and the emergence of commodity clusters as the hardware platform of choice for an increasing number of organizations. This exciting new book, "Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP" addresses the needs of...

Biology (Glencoe Science)
Biology (Glencoe Science)

When you read Glencoe Biology, you need to read for information. Science is nonfiction writing; it describes real-life events, people, ideas, and technology. Here are some tools that Glencoe Biology has to help you read.

The foundation of scientific knowledge is Investigation and Experimentation. In this section, you will...
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