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The Rough Guide to Sicily 7 (Rough Guide Travel Guides)
The Rough Guide to Sicily 7 (Rough Guide Travel Guides)

Make the most of your time with The Rough Guide to Sicily. Written by authors with over twenty years’ experience in travelling around Sicily, the book covers every region and offshore island. The full-colour section introduces Sicily’s highlights, from the slopes of Mount Etna to alfresco dining in Palermo. With informed accounts...

Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems (3 Vol. Set)
Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems (3 Vol. Set)

Healthcare, a vital industry that touches most of us in our lives, faces major challenges in demographics, technology, and finance. Longer life expectancy and an aging population, technological advancements that keep people younger and healthier, and financial issues are a constant strain on healthcare organizations resources and management....

Beginning Groovy and Grails: From Novice to Professional (Beginning from Novice to Professional)
Beginning Groovy and Grails: From Novice to Professional (Beginning from Novice to Professional)
The year 2005 was a traumatic year for the Java web application development community. It was under fire for the unnecessary “fat” architecture of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) systems compared to the new kids on the block like Ruby on Rails and Django. The search began for Java’s answer to these frameworks. I had an...
Mastering Dojo: JavaScript and Ajax Tools for Great Web Experiences (Pragmatic Programmers)
Mastering Dojo: JavaScript and Ajax Tools for Great Web Experiences (Pragmatic Programmers)
The last couple of years have seen big changes in server-side web programming. Now it's the client's turn; Dojo is the toolkit to make it happen and Mastering Dojo shows you how.

Dojo is a set of client-side JavaScript tools that help you build better web applications. Dojo blurs the line between local, native applications and browser based...

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Self-Assessment and Board Review
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Self-Assessment and Board Review

The ultimate study partner, based on the classic content of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17e

"As Harrison's is one of the all-time comprehensive texts of internal medicine, this book goes far in delineating what essential facts must be

Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (Books for Professionals by Professionals)
Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (Books for Professionals by Professionals)
Spring addresses most aspects of Java/Java EE application development and offers simple solutions to them. By using Spring, you will be lead to use industry best practices to design and implement your applications. The releases of Spring 2.x have added many improvements and new features to the 1.x versions. Spring Recipes: A...
Crystal Reports 2008: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)
Crystal Reports 2008: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)

Your One-Stop Guide to Enterprise Reporting with Crystal Reports 2008

Transform disconnected corporate data into compelling, interactive business intelligence using all of the powerful tools available in Crystal Reports 2008. Through detailed explanations, real-world examples, and expert advice, this comprehensive guide...

Enterprise Architecture A to Z: Frameworks, Business Process Modeling, SOA, and Infrastructure Technology
Enterprise Architecture A to Z: Frameworks, Business Process Modeling, SOA, and Infrastructure Technology
Driven by the need and desire to reduce costs, organizations are faced with a set of decisions that require analytical scrutiny. Enterprise Architecture A to Z: Frameworks, Business Process Modeling, SOA, and Infrastructure Technology examines cost-saving trends in architecture planning, administration, and management....
The Great Sand Sea in Egypt, Volume 59: Formation, Dynamics and Environmental Change - a Sediment-analytical Approach
The Great Sand Sea in Egypt, Volume 59: Formation, Dynamics and Environmental Change - a Sediment-analytical Approach
By analyzing bits of information, cummulative evidence can reveal history

The Great Sand Sea in Egypt presents the history of one of the large sand seas in the Sahara, beginning with the sand supply by fluvial transport from partly distant areas and also by local sandstone weathering. It also details sand as
Reliability-Based Design in Geotechnical Engineering: Computations and Applications
Reliability-Based Design in Geotechnical Engineering: Computations and Applications

Reliability-based design is the only engineering methodology currently available which can ensure self-consistency in both physical and probabilistic terms.  It is also uniquely compatible with the theoretical basis underlying other disciplines such as structural design. It is especially relevant as geotechnical design becomes subject to...

Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Models and Algorithms (Advances in Database Systems)
Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Models and Algorithms (Advances in Database Systems)
Advances in hardware technology have increased the capability to store and record personal data about consumers and individuals, causing concerns that personal data may be used for a variety of intrusive or malicious purposes.

Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Models and Algorithms proposes a number of techniques to perform the...

Zenoss Core Network and System Monitoring
Zenoss Core Network and System Monitoring
As the world becomes more connected, the complexity of information technology is expanding. Information workers rely on an expanding number of technologies to collaborate: email, instant messaging, web forums, and wikis. Organizations that at one time relied solely on paper are becoming more dependent on information systems. In addition there is an...
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