 Nmap in the Enterprise: Your Guide to Network ScanningRichard Stiennon, vice president at Gartner "Nmap is one of the tools in your toolbox you need as a network analyst. I would recommend everyone in the world use it to check port 135 to see if [they] have desktop servers listening on it. If you don't, you're going to be down in the next couple of weeks."
A... |  |  Connections: Patterns of DiscoveryEvery since the fl int axe triggered the Paleolithic Revolution over two million years ago we have lived by a culture of scarcity. Technology shortfall placed innovative capability in the hands of only a few: those who provided their hunter - gatherer communities with tools for hunting and butchering; then those who could read and write; then, much... |  |  The Culture of Vengeance and the Fate of American JusticeAmerica is driven by vengeance in Terry Aladjem's provocative account - a reactive, public anger that is a threat to democratic justice itself. From the return of the death penalty to the wars on terror and in Iraq, Americans demand retribution and moral certainty; they assert the "rights of victims" and make pronouncements against... |
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 Microsoft Forefront Security Administration GuideMicrosoft Forefront is a comprehensive suite of security products that will provide companies with multiple layers of defense against threats. Computer and Network Security is a paramount issue for companies in the global marketplace. Businesses can no longer afford for their systems to go down because of viruses, malware, bugs, trojans, or other... |  |  |  |  |
 Dream Dictionary For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help)Dreams! What do they mean? You probably recognize a connection between the dream world and the “real” world, but did you know that you can actually do things to nurture your dream life? Dream Dictionary For Dummies is the fun and fascinating guide that shows you not only how to decode your dreams, but how to remember them and... |  |  |  |  Second Life For Dummies (Computer/Tech)You’ve heard all about Second Life. Maybe you’ve already jumped with both feet—and gotten stuck. Or maybe you’re a Second Life veteran who wants to build something or run a business. Fear not! Second Life For Dummies is hear to hold your hand, pat your back, and cheer you on through this new and enchanting reality.... |
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