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An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
This self-contained introduction to modern cryptography emphasizes the mathematics behind the theory of public key cryptosystems and digital signature schemes. The book focuses on these key topics while developing the mathematical tools needed for the construction and security analysis of diverse cryptosystems. Only basic linear algebra is required...
SAS for Data Analysis: Intermediate Statistical Methods (Statistics and Computing)
SAS for Data Analysis: Intermediate Statistical Methods (Statistics and Computing)
This book is intended for use as the textbook in a second course in applied statistics that covers topics in multiple regression and analysis of variance at an intermediate level. Generally, students enrolled in such courses are primarily graduate majors or advanced undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines. These students typically have...
The Digital Photographer's Software Guide
The Digital Photographer's Software Guide

"The Digital Photographer's Software Guide" is your comprehensive guide to the full range of photographic software and plug-ins available to assist in digital photography editing and output. Written for digital photography enthusiasts of all levels, from the novice to the serious hobbyist, and to accommodate any budget, the book...

Bandwidth Extension of Speech Signals (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)
Bandwidth Extension of Speech Signals (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)
The idea for this book was formed during the doctorate of Bernd Iser. Bernd Iser was working on efficient and robust bandwidth extension algorithms in hands-free systems for Harman/Becker Automotive Systems. It turned out that bandwidth extension of speech signals was a topic of appreciable interest, where lots of scientific...
slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations
slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations
Presentations have become the de facto business communication tool. Companies are started, products are launched, climate systems are saved—possibly based on the quality of presentations. Likewise, ideas, endeavors, and even careers can be cut short due to ineffective communication. Out of the millions of presentations...
Schaum's Outline of Geometry, 4ed (Schaum's Outline Series)
Schaum's Outline of Geometry, 4ed (Schaum's Outline Series)
Schaum's has Satisfied Students for 50 Years.

Now Schaum's Biggest Sellers are in New Editions!

For half a century, more than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them study faster, learn better, and get top grades. Now Schaum's celebrates its 50th birthday with a...

Schaum's Outline of PreCalculus, 2nd Ed. (Schaum's Outline Series)
Schaum's Outline of PreCalculus, 2nd Ed. (Schaum's Outline Series)

Schaum's Outline--Problem Solved

For half a century, more than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them study faster, learn better, and get top grades. Now Schaum's celebrates its 50th birthday with a brand-new look, a new format with hundreds of practice problems, and completely updated information...

Beginning DB2: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)
Beginning DB2: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice)
IBM’s DB2 Express Edition is one of the most capable of the free database platforms available in today’s marketplace. In Beginning DB2, author Grant Allen gets you started using DB2 Express Edition for web sites, desktop applications, and more. The author covers the basics of DB2 for developers and database...
The Origins of Language: Unraveling Evolutionary Forces
The Origins of Language: Unraveling Evolutionary Forces
Developments in cognitive science indicate that human and nonhuman primates share a range of behavioral and physiological characteristics that speak to the issue of language origins. This volume has three major themes, woven throughout the chapters. First, it is argued that scientists in animal behavior and anthropology need to move beyond...
Knowledge Retention: Strategies and Solutions
Knowledge Retention: Strategies and Solutions
‘‘Knowledge Retention: Strategies and Solutions will become paramount toward achieving success in an increasingly competitive environment.’’

—Jay Liebowitz

As the baby boomer generation approaches retirement age, many organizations are facing the potential
Bioinformatics: Sequence Alignment and Markov Models
Bioinformatics: Sequence Alignment and Markov Models

Bioinformatics showcases the latest developments in the field along with all the foundational information you'll need. It provides in-depth coverage of a wide range of autoimmune disorders and detailed analyses of suffix trees, plus late-breaking...

Wireless Mesh Networking
Wireless Mesh Networking
A Complete Roadmap to Wireless Mesh Network Design Principles and Practices Using WiFi, WiMAX, and ZigBEE!

Wireless Mesh Networking provides everything needed to create in-demand wireless mesh networks that provide wireless broadband access over wide areas. This resource presents a complete roadmap to the design and...

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