 Head First AjaxAjax is no longer an experimental approach to website development, but the key to building browser-based applications that form the cornerstone of Web 2.0. Head First Ajax gives you an up-to-date perspective that lets you see exactly what you can do -- and has been done -- with Ajax. With it, you get a highly practical, in-depth, and... |  |  Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better, Revised EditionSend—the classic guide to email for office and home and an instant success upon its publication in 2007—has become indispensable for readers navigating the impersonal, and at times overwhelming, world of electronic communication. Filled with real-life email success (and horror) stories and a wealth of useful and entertaining... |  |  Property Management Kit For Dummies (Book & CD)Thinking about becoming a landlord? Property Management Kit For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you proven strategies for establishing and maintaining rental properties, be they single family or multi-resident. You'll see how to prepare and promote your properties, select tenants, handle repairs, avoid costly mistakes and legal... |
 How to Raise All the Money You Need for Any BusinessIn school many of us learned that water is the universal solvent. Yet when we get into the real world of business or income real estate we soon learn that — in most of our lives — money is the universal solvent!
So the biggest challenge you, as a beginning or experienced wealth builder, face is raising the money you need to... |  |  |  |  Modern Antenna Handbook (v. 1)
Antennas and antenna systems are the eyes and ears of wireless communication systems,
which have experienced an unprecedented rapid expansion. Part of this advancement has
been attributed to contributions of antenna technology. These wireless systems, no matter
how simple or complex, cannot operate efficiently unless they utilize... |
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