 Enterprise RailsEnterprise Rails is indispensable for anyone planning to build enterprise web services. It's one thing to get your service off the ground with a framework like Rails, but quite another to construct a system that will hold up at enterprise scale. The secret is to make good architectural choices from the beginning. Chak shows you how to make those... |  |  Movie Greats: A Critical Study of Classic CinemaWhy are some films regarded as classics, worthy of entry into the canon of film history? Which sorts of films make the cut and why? Movie Greats questions how cinema is ranked and, in doing so, uncovers a history of critical conflict, with different aesthetic positions battling for dominance.
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 Agile Software Engineering (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
This textbook presents the current issues in software development methods. Special emphasis is placed on agile software development, being one of the mainstream paradigms for the management of software projects. Features and topics: (1) Examines the Agile manifesto and its implications. (2) Discusses the delivery of software projects on time and... |  |  Bioinformatics: A Concept-Based IntroductionBioinformatics is an evolving field that is gaining popularity due to genomics, proteomics and other high-throughput biological methods. The function of bioinformatic scientists includes biological data storage, retrieval and in silico analysis of the results from large-scale experiments. This requires a grasp of knowledge mining algorithms, a... |  |  |
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