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SAS Stat Studio 3.1: User's Guide
SAS Stat Studio 3.1: User's Guide
Describes how to use the Stat Studio GUI to conduct exploratory data analysis and standard statistical analyses.

The following release notes pertain to SAS Stat Studio 3.1.

• Stat Studio requires SAS 9.2.

• The phase 1 release of SAS 9.2 does not support running SAS as a remote workspace server.
Underactuated Robotic Hands (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics)
Underactuated Robotic Hands (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics)
Grasping and manipulation skills are at the core of the development of modern robotic systems. With the introduction of robotics in new applications involving unstructured environments (e.g. space, undersea, surgery), intelligent manipulation and grasping has become a crucial research area. The authors have developed an internationally recognized...
Radio Wave Propagation: An Introduction for the Non-Specialist
Radio Wave Propagation: An Introduction for the Non-Specialist
This work treats the essential elements of radio wave propagation without requiring recourse to advanced electromagnetic concepts and equations; however it provides sufficient detail to allow those concerned with wireless systems to acquire quickly a practical working knowledge of the important concepts.

The treatment commences with an analysis...

SAS/FSP 9.2 Procedures Guide
SAS/FSP 9.2 Procedures Guide

Provides complete descriptions of all statements, options, windows, and commands that can be used with SAS/FSP software's FSBROWSE, FSEDIT, FSLETTER, and FSVIEW procedures.

The procedures in SAS/FSP software provide convenient interactive facilities for data
entry, editing, and retrieval. Using SAS/FSP software you can

Smart Devices and Machines for Advanced Manufacturing
Smart Devices and Machines for Advanced Manufacturing
Manufacturing has been one of the key areas that support and influence a nation’s economy since the 18th century. Being the primary driving force in economic growth, manufacturing constantly serves as the foundation of and contributes to other industries. In the past centuries, manufacturing has contributed to the modern...
Pedestrian Dynamics: Feedback Control of Crowd Evacuation (Understanding Complex Systems)
Pedestrian Dynamics: Feedback Control of Crowd Evacuation (Understanding Complex Systems)
The importance of controlling pedestrian flow especially during emergencies is being understood by researchers to be a very important research area. Currently, the use of static emergency routes is not efficient, since during emergencies, the preferred routes might be congested, or worse yet might not even exist. Hence, it is...
The Aetiology of Deep Venous Thrombosis: A Critical, Historical and Epistemological Survey
The Aetiology of Deep Venous Thrombosis: A Critical, Historical and Epistemological Survey

What we now call ‘deep venous thrombosis’ (DVT) has been elucidated by a diversity of investigative approaches during the past four centuries. The authors of this book survey the history of the field and ask: why has one of these perspectives – the haematological/biochemical – come to dominate research into the...

How to Become a Better Negotiator (Work Smart)
How to Become a Better Negotiator (Work Smart)

Whether it’s at home or at work, so much of our lives involves negotiating to get what we want. From negotiating a higher salary, to lowering costs from suppliers, to hammering out a new contract with a major customer, or even deciding where to go on vacation, the only way to consistently arrive at successful conclusions is to master the...

Service Oriented Java Business Integration: Enterprise Service Bus integration solutions for Java developers
Service Oriented Java Business Integration: Enterprise Service Bus integration solutions for Java developers
You're all in the business of software development. Some of you are architects and developers while few others are technology managers and executives. For many of you, ESB is encroaching and JBI is still an unknown—a risk previously avoided but now found to be inescapable. Let us tame these buzzwords in the context of SOA and...
Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R (Use R)
Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R (Use R)
R is rapidly growing in popularity as the environment of choice for data analysis and graphics both in academia and industry. Lattice brings the proven design of Trellis graphics (originally developed for S by William S. Cleveland and colleagues at Bell Labs) to R, considerably expanding its capabilities in the process. Lattice is a powerful and...
Topological Foundations of Electrodynamics (World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics)
Topological Foundations of Electrodynamics (World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics)
Topological Foundations of Electromagnetism seeks a fundamental understanding of the dynamics of electromagnetism; and marshals the evidence that in certain precisely defined topological conditions, electromagnetic theory (Maxwell's theory) must be extended or generalized in order to provide an explanation and understanding of, until now, unusual...
The Principles of Project Management (SitePoint: Project Management)
The Principles of Project Management (SitePoint: Project Management)

The Principles of Project Management lays out clear steps that anyone can follow to get projects done right, and delivered on time.

This full color book covers:

Why Project Management is important The 6 fundamental truths of project management Getting started: Discovering, Initiating, Planning
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