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Network Security Technologies and Solutions (CCIE Professional Development Series)
Network Security Technologies and Solutions (CCIE Professional Development Series)
Yusuf Bhaiji, CCIE No. 9305 (R&S and Security), has been with Cisco for seven years and is currently the program manager for Cisco CCIE Security certification. He is also the CCIE Proctor in the Cisco Dubai Lab. Prior to this, he was technical lead for the Sydney TAC Security and VPN team at Cisco.
  • Filter traffic with access...
CCNP ONT Portable Command Guide (Self-Study Guide)
CCNP ONT Portable Command Guide (Self-Study Guide)
Welcome to ONT! In 2006, Cisco Press came to me and told me, albeit very quietly, that there was going to be a major revision of the CCNP certification exams. Then they asked whether I would be interested in working on a command guide in the same fashion as my previous books for Cisco Press: the Cisco Networking Academy Program ...
The Legal Protection of Databases: A Comparative Analysis
The Legal Protection of Databases: A Comparative Analysis
This book examines and compares the several types of protection available for the protection of investment in database creation. The protection of investment in making databases is not harmonized internationally. In some countries, database contents are insufficiently protected and, in others, there is too much protection. While database producers...
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Managing Information Technology
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Managing Information Technology
Software. Hardware. Networks. Wireless. Entrepreneurs face a bewildering array of choices and decisions when it comes to incorporating technology into the fabric of their businesses. Yet nothing could be more important these days. Aligning information technology (IT) with business strategy is essential to meet and beat the competition. As business...
Wireless Communications Research Trends
Wireless Communications Research Trends
The scope of this new and important book includes: personal portable telephones, multimedia devices, digital assistants, and communicating palmtop computers; registration and handoff protocols, messaging, and communications and computing requirements; network control and management for protocols associated with routing and tracking of mobile users;...
Play the Semi-slav
Play the Semi-slav

The Semi-Slav is one of the most popular chess openings that Black can play against 1.d4. The Semi-Slav is both sound and ambitious, which makes it a favourite of the chess elite. This book provides expert guidance on how to play this exciting variation. The author clearly explains which lines he recommends for Black and even offers a choice...

ESP, Psychokinesis, and Psychics
ESP, Psychokinesis, and Psychics

Many people have experienced psi, whether as a sense of having been in a place before (deja vu), hearing a voice in their head that gave them guidance, or following their intuition. For some, these events can be attributed to coincidence, but for psychics, such episodes occur more frequently and intensely, often manifesting in dreams,...

Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.11 for Effective MySQL Management
Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.11 for Effective MySQL Management
Providing a powerful graphical interface for managing MySQL, phpMyAdmin is one of the most popular open source applications. While most MySQL developers use routine features of phpMyAdmin every day, few are aware of the power and potential of its advanced features. This book builds a solid understanding of the core capabilities of phpMyAdmin before...
Systematics as Cyberscience: Computers, Change, and  Continuity in Science (Inside Technology)
Systematics as Cyberscience: Computers, Change, and Continuity in Science (Inside Technology)
The use of information and communication technology in scientific research has been hailed as the means to a new larger-scale, more efficient, and cost-effective science. But although scientists increasingly use computers in their work and institutions have made massive investments in technology, we still have little idea how computing affects the...
Learning the Yahoo! User Interface library
Learning the Yahoo! User Interface library
The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML, and AJAX. The YUI Library also includes several core CSS resources. All components in the YUI Library have been released as open source under a BSD license...
Analysis of Biological Networks (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics)
Analysis of Biological Networks (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics)
An introduction to biological networks and methods for their analysis

Analysis of Biological Networks is the first book of its kind to provide readers with a comprehensive introduction to the structural analysis of biological networks at the interface of biology and computer science. The book begins with a brief overview of biological networks...

Windows Server 2008 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Windows Server 2008 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
If you’re curious, but hesitant, about finding your way around Microsoft’s new Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 For Dummies is the book for you. This friendly reference shows you everything you need to know — from installation and deployment to building and running a Windows Server 2008 network.


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