 The Art of Designing Embedded Systems, Second Edition
For tens of thousands of years the human race used their muscles and the labor of animals to build a world that differed little from that known by all their ancestors. But in 1776 James Watt installed the fi rst of his improved steam engines in a commercial enterprise, kicking off the industrial revolution.
The 1800s were... |  |  The Designer's Guide to VHDL, Volume 3, Third Edition (Systems on Silicon)VHDL may sound like a new Internet language, but it really stands for VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Definition Language. VHDL borrows ideas from software engineering (architectural, behavior, and formal models, as well as modular design) and is used to design today's custom integrated circuits, from cell phones to... |  |  Network Security: Know It AllAll of the elements of network security together in a single volume written by the best and brightest experts in the field!
Network Security: Know It All explains the basics, describes the protocols, and discusses advanced topics, by the best and brightest experts in the field of network security.
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