Official Ubuntu Server Book, The (2nd Edition)
Ubuntu Server is a complete, free server operating system that just works, with the extra Ubuntu polish, innovation, and simplicity that administrators love.
Now, there’s a definitive, authoritative guide to getting up-and-running quickly with the newest, most powerful versions of Ubuntu Server. Written... |  |  MATLAB Primer, Eighth Edition
Highlighting the new aspects of MATLAB® 7.10 and expanding on many existing features, MATLAB® Primer, Eighth Edition shows you how to solve problems in science, engineering, and mathematics. Now in its eighth edition, this popular primer continues to offer a hands-on, step-by-step introduction to... |  |  IBM InfoSphere Replication Server and Data Event Publisher
Business planning is no longer just about defining goals, analyzing critical issues, and then creating strategies. You must aid business integration by linking changed-data events in DB2 databases on Linux, UNIX, and Windows with EAI solutions , message brokers, data transformation tools, and more. Investing in this book will save you many... |