 Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
Everything your business needs for a successful social media campaign
Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are today's hottest marketing tools. This all-in-one guide by an expert on social media strategy helps you take full advantage of them in creative new ways.
Lena West is a consultant who helps her clients... |  |  Frommer's London 2011 (Frommer's Colour Complete Guides)
Every hotel, restaurant, and attraction listing in this guide has been ranked for quality, value, service, amenities, and special features using a star-rating system. In country, state, and regional guides, we also rate towns and regions to help you narrow down your choices and budget your time accordingly. Hotels and restaurants are rated on... |  |  Frommer's Maui 2011 (Frommer's Complete)
Maui, also called the Valley Isle, is just a small dot in the vast Pacifi c Ocean, but it has the potential to offer visitors unforgettable experiences: fl oating weightless through rainbows of tropical fi sh, standing atop a 10,000-foot volcano watching the sunrise color the sky, and listening to the raindrops in a bamboo forest.
 The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Project Management, Second Edition
Schedule and coordinate projects seamlessly, start to finish!
In today's ultracompetitive world of business, those in charge want results on time and on budget--and they're turning to project managers to deliver. Skilled project managers are in high demand, and the profession is growing at an unprecedented rate.
... |  |  Fixed Mobile Convergence Handbook
Requirements for next generation networks (NGNs) are fueling an architectural evolution. Service providers are obliged to give users access to content anytime, anyhow, anywhere, on any device. This requires a converged infrastructure in which users across multiple domains can be served through a single unified domain and all network services... |  |  OpenStreetMap
This book introduces the OSM project, its aims and objectives, and its history, then guides you through the process of gathering, editing, and using OpenStreetMap data using a series of real-world examples. This book is the perfect aid for geographic-information professionals interested in using OpenStreetMap in their work and web designers... |
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