 Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python, 2nd Edition is a text for engineering students and a reference for practicing engineers, especially those who wish to explore Python. This new edition features 18 additional exercises and the addition of rational function interpolation. Brent's method of root finding was replaced by... |  |  Metaprogramming RubyRuby inherits characteristics from various languages—Lisp, Smalltalk, C, and Perl, to name a few. Metaprogramming comes from Lisp (and Smalltalk). It’s a bit like magic, which makes something astonishing possible. There are two kinds of magic: white magic, which does good things, and black magic, which can do nasty things. Likewise,... |  |  |
 x86 Instruction Set Architecture
The Instruction Set Architecture, or ISA, is defined as that part of the processor architecture related to programming, including the native data types, instructions, registers, addressing modes, memory architecture, interrupt and exception handling, and external IO. With the exception of some small deviations and differences in... |  |  |  |  Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
Radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) are the building blocks that enable every device from cable television sets to mobile telephones to transmit and receive signals and data. This newly revised and expanded edition of the 2003 Artech House classic, "Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design", serves as an up-to-date,... |
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