 Picture CSS3 (Visualizing the Web)
See how you can use Cascading Style Sheets 3, or CSS3, to quickly and easily increase your control over visual Web page design.
HTML 5, is the first major update to the core language of the Web in over a decade
The focus of this book is on innovations that most directly effect Web site... |  |  Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers and PhysicistsThis established textbook is didactically excellent and it unifies intuitiveness with extraordinary precision of its terminology and their derivation. It was developed as manuscript to teach students in electrical engineering, and has served to do so for thousands of students over 2 decades.
Discussed is the electromagnetic field theory... |  |  Developments and Challenges for Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles: A Compendium
It is widely anticipated that autonomous vehicles will have a transformational impact on military forces and will play a key role in many future force structures. As a result, many tasks have already been identified that unmanned systems could undertake more readily than humans. However, for this to occur, such systems will need to be agile,... |
 Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis (Elsevier Aerospace Engineering)
During my experience of teaching aircraft structures, I have felt the need for a textbook written specifically
for students of aeronautical engineering. Although there have been a number of excellent books
written on the subject, they are now either out of date or too specialized in content to fulfill the requirements
of an... |  |  Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
Why is it so hard to make lasting changes in our companies, in our communities, and in our own lives?
The primary obstacle is a conflict that’s built into our brains, say Chip and Dan Heath, authors of the critically acclaimed bestseller Made to Stick. Psychologists have discovered that our minds are ruled... |  |  Learn Cocoa on the Mac (Learn Series)The Cocoa frameworks are some of the most powerful frameworks for creating native desktop applications available on any platform today, and Apple gives them away, along with the Xcode development environment, for free! However, for a first-time Mac developer, just firing up Xcode and starting to browse the documentation can be a daunting task.... |
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