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OSGi and Equinox: Creating Highly Modular Java Systems
OSGi and Equinox: Creating Highly Modular Java Systems

A Hands-On Guide to Equinox and the OSGi Framework

 In OSGI and Equinox: Creating Highly Modular Java™ Systems, three leading experts show developers--for the first time--exactly how to make the most of these breakthrough technologies for building highly modular dynamic systems.


Production Systems Engineering: Cost and Performance Optimization
Production Systems Engineering: Cost and Performance Optimization

Optimize Economic and Technological Requirements in Production System Designs

This pioneering work offers proven techniques, partially created and developed at The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, for determining optimal resource allocation and cost-effective production system designs for today’s any-volume...

Discovering Computers 2011: Complete (Shelly Cashman)
Discovering Computers 2011: Complete (Shelly Cashman)

Discovering Computers 2011: Complete, provides learners with a current and thorough introduction to computers by integrating the use of technology with the printed text.

The Shelly Cashman Series® offers the fi nest textbooks in computer education. We are proud of the fact that the previous fi fteen editions of this textbook...

Principles of Lasers
Principles of Lasers

This new Fifth Edition of Principles of Lasers incorporates corrections to the previous edition. The text’s essential mission remains the same: to provide a wide-ranging yet unified description of laser behavior, physics, technology, and current applications. Dr. Svelto emphasizes the physical rather than the mathematical...

Introductory Statistics, Third Edition
Introductory Statistics, Third Edition

In this 3rd edition revised text, master expositor Sheldon Ross has produced a unique work in introductory statistics. The text's main merits are the clarity of presentation, contemporary examples and applications from diverse areas, and an explanation of intuition and ideas behind the statistical methods. Concepts are motivated,...

The Definitive Guide to Jython: Python for the Java Platform
The Definitive Guide to Jython: Python for the Java Platform

Jython is an open source implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented scripting language Python seamlessly integrated with the Java platform. The predecessor to Jython, JPython, is certified as 100% Pure Java. Jython is freely available for both commercial and noncommercial use and is distributed with source code. Jython is...

Windows System Programming (4th Edition) (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series)
Windows System Programming (4th Edition) (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series)

“If you’re writing a native Win32 program or just want to know what the OS is really doing underneath, you need John’s book. He covers the stuff that real systems programmers absolutely must know. Recommended.”

–Chris Sells, Microsoft Corporation

Statistical Graphics in SAS: An Introduction to the Graph Template Language and the Statistical Graphics Procedures
Statistical Graphics in SAS: An Introduction to the Graph Template Language and the Statistical Graphics Procedures

Effective graphics are indispensable for modern statistical analysis. They reveal patterns, differences, and uncertainty that are not readily apparent in tabular output. Graphics provoke questions that stimulate deeper investigation, and they add visual clarity and rich content to reports and presentations.

The Graph Template...

Systems Analysis and Design, Video Enhanced (Shelly Cashman)
Systems Analysis and Design, Video Enhanced (Shelly Cashman)

Systems Analysis and Design,Video Enganced Eighth Edition offers a practical, visually appealing approach to information systems development.

The Shelly Cashman Series® offers the finest textbooks in computer education. We are proud that our previous editions of Systems Analysis and Design have been so well received by...

Cybercrime: Criminal Threats from Cyberspace (Crime, Media, and Popular Culture)
Cybercrime: Criminal Threats from Cyberspace (Crime, Media, and Popular Culture)

This book is an outstanding contribution to the interdisciplinary series on Crime, Media, and Popular Culture from Praeger Publishers. Because of the pervasiveness of media in our lives and the salience of crime and criminal justice issues, we feel it is especially important to provide a home for scholars who are engaged in innovative and...

Objective-C: Visual QuickStart Guide
Objective-C: Visual QuickStart Guide

Objective C 2.0 is the object-oriented language that is the basis for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, the development environment for the iPhone/iPod Touch.You'll learn all the basics: from handling data and creating functions to managing memory and handling exceptions. For programmers who want to develop iPhone apps, it's a must, and this...

Mahara 1.2 E-Portfolios: Beginner's Guide
Mahara 1.2 E-Portfolios: Beginner's Guide

Mahara is a user-centred environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. These views helps you display your artefacts - text files, spreadsheets, images, and videos - in a way you choose and to the people you want. You can also create online communities and social networks through...

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